Educational programs


Scope of application – the educational program is designed to train teachers-trainers in the field of Qazaq kuresi, who possess modern educational and sports technologies and new approaches to teaching martial arts skills in educational and sports organizations to ensure general physical and sports training of a person.
Regulatory and legal support:

  • The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education";
  • National project "Quality Education "Educated Nation";
  • State mandatory standards of higher education;
  • Classifier of training areas with higher and postgraduate education;
  • Professional standard "Teacher" approved in Appendix No. 133 dated June 8, 2017 by order of the Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken";
  • The Concept of development of physical culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2025;
  • Standard rules of activity of educational organizations implementing educational programs of higher and (or) postgraduate education;
  • Rules for the organization of the educational process on credit technology of training;
  • Dublin Descriptors (European Qualifications Framework).

The educational program 6В01404 "Teacher – Trainer in Qazaq kuresi" was developed taking into account the needs of the labor market and with the aim of strengthening relations between communities based on the principles of tolerance, goodwill and solidarity. UNESCO added Qazaq kuresi to the representative list of the Intangible cultural heritage of humanity in 2016. This educational program ensures the application of an individual approach to students, ensures the transformation of professional competencies from professional standards and industry qualifications frameworks into learning outcomes. In the learning process, a student-centered principle is provided, the idea of which is to shift the emphasis in the educational process from teaching to learning. In other words, the developed educational program meets the needs of all interested parties (students, employers, state) and meets external qualification requirements.
The educational program includes the acquisition of Qazaq kuresi training skills, the development of sports training programs and the control of the correctness of exercises and wrestling techniques, the use of educational resources and tools necessary for the formation of professional competencies in the field of physical culture and Qazaq kuresi. The educational program implements the principles of the democratic nature of education management, which include expanding the boundaries of academic freedom and the powers of educational institutions, which ensures the adaptation of the vocational education system to the changing needs of society, the economy of the labor market.
The flexibility of the educational program makes it possible to take into account the abilities and needs of each student as an individual on the one hand, as well as production and society on the other.
A graduate of the educational program 6В01404 "Teacher - Trainer in Qazaq kuresi" can conduct the following types of professional activities:

  • pedagogical;
  • management in the field of sports;
  • coaching and instructional;
  • methodical.

The field of further professional activity of graduates of 6В01404 "Teacher - Trainer in Qazaq kuresi" includes specialization as a teacher in secondary/technical/specialized educational institutions, work as a teacher, coach in educational and sports organizations, as well as work as a manager and administrator in various public organizations related to sports. The main activity involves the use of educational technologies in the context of teaching and formation of professional competencies in the field of physical culture and Qazaq kuresi.

The field of activity is not limited only to the education sector, but also involves participation in projects in interdisciplinary industries where a wide range of sports technologies are developed, implemented and used. In other words, graduates of the educational program 6В01404 "Teacher - Trainer in Qazaq kuresi" will be in demand in almost all spheres of economy and human activity.
A unique feature of the educational program 6В01404 "Teacher - Trainer in Qazaq kuresi" in comparison with similar programs of other universities in the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK) is the high focus of the Program on practice-oriented training of teachers – trainers in Qazaq kuresi. This feature can be seen in the working curricula of the educational program and the curricula of the disciplines themselves
The so-called principle of Major / Minor was used in the development of the educational program. Major (major) assumes a basic educational program that includes core disciplines, that is, those that form professional competencies. In other words, this is a block that involves deep mastering of disciplines in the direction of basic training. Minor is used as an additional educational program, a mini-specialization. In the educational program 6В01404 "Teacher - trainer in Qazaq kuresi", additional competencies are acquired by students due to the possibility of choosing components, including "Sports Management", "Sports Psychology" and "Diplomacy of International Sports", as well as disciplines aimed at developing students' entrepreneurial competencies.
An important element in the educational program is the use of modern and innovative teaching methods and technologies. The high practical orientation of the program determines the choice of the most modern technologies in the learning process, including the use of dual learning technology. This practice reduces the gap between studying at APEMS and professional activity, which in turn allows graduates to easily adapt to starting work in industrial and scientific organizations. In the learning process, many online tools are used to keep students' attention, among which some are integrated into the Moodle learning management system, some are part of the Office 365 product line, the most popular of which and widely used is the Microsoft Teams platform, and many independent tools such as Kahoot (a free platform for learning in a playful way), BookWidget (interactive exercise constructor), BitPaper (collaborative online whiteboard), Classroomscreen (collaborative learning screen).

The purpose and objectives of the educational program
The purpose of the educational program is to train teachers–trainers in Qazaq kuresi, who are proficient in modern educational technologies and new learning approaches, who are able to improve the results of athletes in Qazaq kuresi with the help of advanced sports technologies.
Objectives of the educational program:
1. To prepare highly qualified personnel in the direction of physical culture for the application of the acquired knowledge in the field of education and sports;
2. To train athletes specializing in the Kazakh national wrestling (Qazaq kuresi), who are able to apply martial arts techniques for training in specialized educational and sports organizations.
3. To instill the skills of conducting anthropometric measurements and functional testing, evaluating the results obtained and the effectiveness of the training process;
4. To teach how to train athletes and select the optimal training program taking into account individual physiological, psychological and anatomical characteristics of a person;
5. To teach students to apply their theoretical and practical knowledge in solving practical problems in pedagogical and coaching activities, as well as to successfully carry out managerial and administrative activities;
6. To teach students to apply the knowledge of the basics of pedagogy and psychology required in their professional pedagogical and coaching activities, as well as to give the ability to use interactive teaching methods and modern coaching competencies and modern approaches of pedagogical design to improve the accessibility of presentations and materials;
7. To instill in students the skills of independent work, as well as to show the importance of continuous development and application of professional knowledge, skills and abilities to solve non-standard tasks;
8. To teach generalization of the results of theoretical and practical and analytical work in the form of a thesis, scientific articles and reports at scientific and technical conferences, sports competitions, as well as to provide assistance in writing academic reports, analytical notes and others.


List of competencies

Learning outcomes

The name of the disciplines forming the learning outcomes (units of competencies)

  1. General professional competencies (GPC)


GPC1. Ability to understand the patterns of social development of society, readiness for self-knowledge, communicative exchange, development of cultural heritage as a factor of harmonization of personal and interpersonal relations

LO1.  Apply general social knowledge for the formation of a humanitarian orientation, cultural and physical development within the framework of professional activity

Нistory of Kazakhstan,
Psychology, Pedagogy,
Political Science,
Cultural studies, Physical education
Ecology and safety fundamentals,
Academic writing

LO2.  Be proficient in the language at a professional level that allows conducting scientific research and teaching special disciplines in educational organizations

Foreign language, Kazakh (Russian) language,
English in professional sports

  1. Professional competencies (PC)


PC1.  Ability to apply the knowledge of pedagogy and theory of education in their teaching and coaching activities

LO3.   Be able to apply innovative educational technologies and modern coaching techniques in Qazaq kuresi in terms of their impact on teaching and learning

Pedagogy, Introduction to pedagogical coaching,
Fundamentals of sports and pedagogical skills,
Innovative learning technologies and updated educational content,
Research methods in sports and physical exercises,
Information and communication technologies (in English),
Fundamentals of sports and pedagogical mentoring, Pedagogical practice

LO4.  Apply methodological approaches and pedagogical methods of education in teaching Qazaq kuresi

Technologies of educational work in physical culture and sports,
Organization of methodological work on Qazaq kuresi,
Theory and methodology of teaching Qazaq kuresi,
Pedagogical practice


PC2.  Ability to conduct and promote Qazaq kuresi with the use of knowledge of regulatory legal acts

LО5.  Know international legal norms and acts, have the skills to conduct a dialogue in the international arena to promote state interests through the potential of Qazaq kuresi

Diplomatic foundations of international sport,
High-performance sports and Olympic education,
Sports on the world market, Internationalization of Qazaq kuresi, Pedagogical and sports ethics,
English in professional sports

LО6. Apply managerial competencies for the organization of sports activities and promotion of Qazaq kuresi on the basis of existing knowledge of sports law

Fundamentals of Economics and Entrepreneurship,
Project Management,
Sports Event Management, Professional Success Management,
Sports Marketing and Public Relations, Sports Law, Pedagogical and Sports Ethics,
Anti-corruption culture


PC3. Ability to conduct a medical and biological analysis and admission to sports activities with the conditioned capabilities of the individual

LО7. Apply the knowledge of sports medicine in general to ensure the functional readiness of the athlete's body in the conditions of the chosen sports activity, taking into account inclusivity, nutritionology, pharmacology and the surrounding sports environment

Biomechanics in Qazaq kuresi,
Sports and training nutrition,
Anatomy in Qazaq kuresi,
Ergonomics in Sports and physical activity,
Kinesiology of Physical culture and Sports,
Physical Self-improvement and Leadership, Pharmacology and Doping in sports, Adaptive Sports Kinetics,
Sports Medicine and Safety,
Sports anatomy and basics of sports morphology


PC4.  Competence in professional training of Qazaq kuresi based on the metric data of the athlete and the psychological characteristics

LО8. Apply training methods to ensure the achievement of professional and personal goals using applied science, the use of strategic concepts taking into account the psychological characteristics of athletes

Theory and methodology of the training process,
Sports refereeing in Qazaq kuresi.
Competitive activity in Qazaq kuresi,
Sports coaching: basic concepts (Qazaq kuresi), Coaching workshop 1-2,
Practice of the training process (Qazaq kuresi), Sports psychology

LО9.  Possess measurement skills in physical education and sports, prediction of an athlete's condition and results, as well as an athlet’s behavior at competitions

Diagnostics in Qazaq kuresi,
Data analysis in sports,
Sports metrology, Pedagogical measurements in sports


Developer(s) and authors

APEMS Academic Committee in the direction of "Sport Education and Coaching"

Module name

Name of discipline







Description of disciplines

1 trimester

General education

Нistory of Kazakhstan

general education disciplines,




The course examines the history of Kazakhstan as part of the history of mankind, the history of Eurasia and Central Asia. The history of Kazakhstan is a period in which a holistic study of historical events, phenomena, facts, processes, identification of historical patterns that took place on the territory of the Great Steppe is carried out.

Foreign language

general education disciplines,




The course includes an intensive English language learning program focused on grammar and conversational skills. The course includes topics reflecting the latest achievements in the field of education, and the terminology dictionary makes them directly relevant to the needs of students.

Kazakh (Russian) language

general education disciplines,




The purpose of the course is to ensure the qualitative assimilation of the Kazakh language as a means of social, intercultural, professional communication through the formation of communicative competencies of all levels of language use for students of the Kazakh language as a foreign language – elementary A1 level and for A2, B1, B2, C1 levels.

Socio-political knowledge


general education disciplines,




The purpose of the course: is the formation of the socio-humanitarian worldview of students in the context of solving the problems of modernization of public consciousness. As a result of studying the course, the student will know the socio-ethical values of society and explain it as a product of integration processes in the system of psychological knowledge; concepts, ideas, theories in the field of psychology; be able to explain the nature of situations in various spheres of social communication based on the content of theories and ideas of psychological science.

General education

Physical culture

general education disciplines,




The course is devoted to the formation of physical culture of the individual and the ability to direct the use of various means of physical culture to preserve and strengthen health.

Anatomical, physiological and medical basics of sports

Sports anatomy and basics of sports morphology

basic disciplines,

university component



This course examines the goals and objectives of sports anatomy and morphology; age periodization; features of the bodily constitution; changes in muscle mass in people of various somatic types; adaptive capabilities of the body; the impact of loads on bones, ligaments, muscles, tendons; morphological and anatomical bases of activity in movements; special equipment for research, research methods of sports anatomy and morphology.

Psychological and pedagogical foundations of physical education and sports

Introduction to teaching and coaching

basic disciplines,

university component



This course examines issues that reveal the general characteristics, essence and specifics of pedagogical and coaching activities, substantiates the requirements for the personality of a teacher-trainer, and examines their professional competence. The social significance of pedagogical and coaching activities in modern society, as well as the history of the emergence of Qazaq kuresi in sports is studied.

Total amount of credits



2 trimester

General education

Foreign language

general education disciplines,




The course includes an intensive English language learning program focused on grammar and conversational skills. The course includes topics reflecting the latest achievements in the field of education, and the terminology dictionary makes them directly relevant to the needs of students.

Kazakh (Russian) language

general education disciplines,




The purpose of the course is to ensure the qualitative assimilation of the Kazakh language as a means of social, intercultural, professional communication through the formation of communicative competencies of all levels of language use for students of the Kazakh language as a foreign language – elementary A1 level and for A2, B1, B2, C1 levels.

General education

Physical culture

general education disciplines,




The course is devoted to the formation of physical culture of the individual and the ability to direct the use of various means of physical culture to preserve and strengthen health.

Managerial skills in organizing sports activities

Professional Success Management

basic disciplines,

university component



The course forms students' image of a successful person and the development of their leadership qualities. The purpose of the course is to master students of modern applied methods of managing sports teams, methods of development and use of individual abilities, professional use of personnel, formation of design and innovation groups.

Psychological and pedagogical foundations of physical education and sports


basic disciplines,

university component




The purpose of the course: formation of students' system of pedagogical knowledge about the holistic pedagogical process; mastering the scientific foundations of education, psychological and pedagogical features of the construction of the educational process at school. As a result of studying the course, the student will know the main achievements, current problems and trends in the development of pedagogical science, its subject and interrelations with other sciences; modern requirements for personal and professional qualities of a specialist; the essence, goals and problems of training and education in the system of general education and vocational education.

Elective disciplines

General education

Fundamentals of Economics and Entrepreneurship

general education disciplines,




During the course, the mechanism of entrepreneurship is revealed, taking into account the accumulated experience of the development of theory and practice in developed Western countries, the experience of the formation of entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan, the application of civil legislation regulating the organization of entrepreneurial activity, the basic concepts and terms denoting the essence of almost all business subsystems, which allows students to have a complete idea not only about entrepreneurship, but also about the conditions and factors of its organization in a market economy; the features of the current legislation are considered, the study of which makes it possible to make decisions correctly – from the choice of the organizational and legal form of entrepreneurship to the process of liquidation of one's own business.

The purpose of this course is to form students' values and abilities aimed at showing an active civic position regarding corruption.

Anti-corruption culture

Ecology and safety fundamentals

The course is aimed at developing students' ecological thinking, the ability to adequately assess the state of the environment and the degree of influence of harmful and dangerous factors on humans, environmental management skills; teaching rules and practical skills to ensure safety in the field of professional activity and first aid in emergency situations.

Academic writing

The course includes the study of the theoretical foundations of research methodology, methods of presenting research results and the design of academic texts, academic speech, features of scientific style.

Total amount of credits



3 trimester

Psychological and pedagogical foundations of physical education and sports

Educational practice

basic disciplines,

university component




The educational practice is aimed at familiarizing the student with the educational process of an educational institution (secondary school, lyceum, gymnasium, college, etc.), its adaptation to the conditions of future professional activity.

General education

Information and communication technologies (in English)

general education disciplines,




The course includes the study of modern information technologies, including methods and means of communication of people in ordinary and professional activities using information technology. These technologies are being studied in relation to the search, collection, storage, processing and dissemination of information.

General education

Physical culture

general education disciplines,




The course is devoted to the formation of physical culture of the individual and the ability to direct the use of various means of physical culture to preserve and strengthen health.

Psychological and pedagogical foundations of physical education and sports

Organization of methodological work on Qazaq kuresi

basic disciplines,

university component



This course examines: the purpose, objectives, object and subject, the main categories; the history of the formation and development of this discipline; research methods; principles, tools, methods, teaching Qazaq kuresi; the system of planning educational and extracurricular activities on Qazaq kuresi; software and regulatory documentation; criteria assessment; information and communication technologies of training.


Sports coaching: basic concepts (Qazaqkuresi)

basic disciplines,

university component



Within the framework of this course, using Smart technologies for teaching lectures and interactive classes, students will study such issues as conceptual development in sports, the philosophy of a coach in sports, complex interactions between an athlete and a coach, team planning, as well as explore the various roles and contributions of a coach at individual and social levels. Students will learn how to make training plans, make decisions about effective training, evaluate competition conditions and study the role of reflexive practice in coaching.

Elective disciplines

Managerial skills in organizing sports activities

Project management

 basic disciplines,

university component



Within the framework of this course, students master the methodology of planning, organizing and implementing project activities in sports, including the development of an action plan to achieve goals, managing communication between team members and structural departments, as well as synchronizing activities to improve work efficiency. The course involves studying the distribution of areas of responsibility between employees according to their skills and the use of the organization's resources. Students will be able to control expenses, set time frames, form a budget and anticipate difficulties that may arise in the course of work.

Within the framework of this course, students develop managerial competencies for organizing sports events. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to negotiate with key stakeholders of sports events to determine the timing of the project, organize PR campaigns with press representatives, form volunteer movements, organize accommodation and transportation of participants of a sports event, provide security measures for athletes and spectators, coordinate activities with the leadership of the local community, conclude agreements with suppliers and sponsors, predict force majeure and emergencies.

Sports event management

Elective disciplines

Psychological and pedagogical foundations of physical education and sports

Pedagogical and sports ethics

basic disciplines,

university component



This course aims to introduce students to the knowledge and skills necessary to think through difficult ethical decisions that arise in the pedagogical and sports environment, and to make responsible decisions. The student will be able to develop standards of professionalism that allow identifying, analyzing and solving ethical issues when making decisions in the field of sports and teaching.

Managerial skills in organizing sports activities

Sports marketing and public relations

The purpose of the course is to form the scientific and methodological base necessary for students to master the scientific foundations of marketing theory in a market economy, to improve the economic mechanism of physical culture and sports organizations, to make informed marketing decisions. As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must: know: modern marketing models; methods of marketing research. Be able to: analyze and evaluate market factors; analyze consumers; describe the target consumer; analyze and evaluate the internal factors and capabilities of the organization. Have the skills to: analyze and solve specific marketing tasks.

Total amount of credits



4 trimester

Socio-political knowledge


general education disciplines,




The course includes knowledge of sociological subject areas, research methods and directions. During the course, the main sociological theories and the most effective ways to gain in-depth knowledge about various aspects of our modern society will be discussed in detail. The special significance of this course for students is the opportunity to develop sociological imagination, to understand the basic concepts of sociology as a science.

Political Science

general education disciplines,




The course is dedicated to general political knowledge for specialties in the field of information technology. The course includes political self-awareness, improvement of one's political outlook and communicative competencies. The teaching of political knowledge is communicative, interactive, student-oriented, result-oriented and largely depends on the independent work of students.

Cultural studies

general education disciplines,




The course will help to become the basis for the study of the entire complex of social sciences and humanities, as well as a supplement to general courses in history and philosophy. The course includes such topics as morphology, semiotics, anatomy of culture, culture of nomads of Kazakhstan, cultural heritage of Proto-Turks, medieval culture of Central Asia, formation of Kazakh culture, Kazakh culture in the context of globalization, cultural policy of Kazakhstan, etc.

General education

Physical culture

general education disciplines,




The course is devoted to the formation of physical culture of the individual and the ability to direct the use of various means of physical culture to preserve and strengthen health.

Psychological and pedagogical foundations of physical education and sports

Technologies of educational work in physical culture and sports

basic disciplines,

university component



This course examines the basics of planning and organization of the educational process, taking into account the psychological and age characteristics of students, the organization of events at the level of educational organization, the formation of the general culture of the student and socialization; strategy, tactics and techniques of organizing the process of education in the field of physical culture and sports, requirements for the personality of the teacher (trainer) as an educator.

Psychological and pedagogical foundations of physical education and sports

Pedagogical practice

basic disciplines,

university component



The purpose of pedagogical practice is to form students' most important practical skills in various types of psychological and pedagogical work with students, the formation of students' specific, research, professional skills corresponding to the qualification characteristics of the graduate of this educational program.

Anatomical, physiological and medical foundations of physical culture and sports

Biomechanics in Qazaq kuresi

basic disciplines,

university component



In this course, students will study such issues as kinetics and kinematics, the transition from anatomical position to limb movement, flexion /extension, inversion / eversion, pronation /supination.This course is aimed at studying the mechanical properties of living tissues, individual organs, or organisms in the Qazaq kuresi class based on models and methods of mechanics.


Coaching workshop 1 (Qazaqkuresi)




During this course, students will observe Qazaq kuresi coaches plan and conduct coaching sessions. They will also interact with athletes to get their opinion about training.  Each week they will have to submit analytical material to the course coordinator based on their observation of the coaching session. Students will also have to analyze individual athletes and identify strengths and weaknesses in the execution of throws.

Elective disciplines

Theoretical and methodological foundations of physical education and sports

Sports refereeing in Qazaq kuresi

basic disciplines,

university component



Within the framework of this course, students will study sports judging in Qazaq kuresi, in particular the rules of competition, judicial procedures, gestures of judges, the place of judges, the composition of the judging panel, the Presidium of the Panel of judges, mistakes and punishments, improper and unsportsmanlike behavior and other types of behavior of athletes, etc. Also, within the framework of this course, students study the history of the development of sports refereeing, the procedure for assigning, depriving and restoring the qualification categories of sports referees.

Competitive activity in Qazaq kuresi

basic disciplines,

university component

This course explores the body's ability to withstand and adapt to extreme environmental conditions during the competition of the Qazaq kuresi. Students will get acquainted with the physiological effects on the human body. They will also explore competition strategies that can be used to minimize these effects when people travel to participate in competitions or recreational sports activities in conditions that are very different from their home environment. Air pollution and disturbances of the body's natural rhythm will also be studied.

Total amount of credits



5 trimester

General education


basic disciplines,

university component



The course involves the study of the discipline philosophy as a special form of spiritual studies in its cultural and historical development and modern sound. The main directions and problems of world and domestic philosophy are studied. Philosophy is a special form of cognition of the world, creating a system of cognition of the general principles and foundations of human life, about the essential characteristics of a person's attitude to nature, society and spiritual life, in all its main direction.

Theoretical, practical and scientific foundations in the field of physical education and sports

Sports psychology

basic disciplines,

university component



This course introduces students to a psychological approach to understanding human reactions and adapting to sports and physical exercises. Lectures, case studies, and seminars provide a platform for discussing and understanding cognition, affect, and behavior, as well as the complex interactions between them. Students will gain knowledge and understanding of athletic performance and exercise, as well as psychological factors affecting exercise adherence. The key goal is to provide an understanding of the application of theory to real "applied" situations in sports and exercises.

Sports law

basic disciplines,

university component



The course examines the concept and essence of sports law; the subject, principles and development of sports law; the legislative system, legal acts in the field of physical culture and sports of Kazakhstan; the legal basis of international sports competitions; the specifics of concluding contracts in the field of sports at the international level; the legal basis of doping control; the concept, essence, classification and methods of settlement of sports disputes.

Anatomical, physiological and medical foundations of physical culture and sports

Sports medicine and safety

basic disciplines,

university component



The course of this discipline examines the features and role of sports medicine as a science that provides physical education and sports; the essence of the concepts of "health", "disease" and their impact on the human body; orientation and sports selection from the perspective of sports medicine; the impact of sports on health; methods and techniques for studying the physical development of athletes; medical monitoring of the condition athlete's body; methods and means of recovery after injuries; features of doping control.

Elective disciplines

Psychological and pedagogical foundations of physical education and sports

Theory and methodology of the training process




This course is aimed at studying the organizational, legal, psychological and pedagogical foundations of the training process, modern methods for the formation of skills in Qazaq kuresi, methodological principles, the use of modern technologies in teaching, the study of the concept of Qazaq kuresi education

Theory and methodology of teaching of Qazaqkuresi

Within the framework of this course, the basic concepts and key elements of physical exercises by types of martial arts, the phenomenon of creating individual and group training, psychological training and communication are studied. During the course, the history of the origin and development of the direction, the theory and methodology of Qazaq kuresi, the relationship between the state of health and Qazaq kuresi classes are presented for study.

Total amount of credits



6 trimester

Psychological and pedagogical foundations of physical education and sports

Innovative learning technologies and updated educational content




In the course of this discipline, strategic directions of modernization of secondary education are considered; innovative technologies for determining and evaluating learning outcomes at school based on the technology of updated educational content; formation of an innovative model of a modern teacher; typology of innovative technologies of teaching at school; innovative teaching methods at school; information and communication, interactive technologies for teacher training; digitalization of education; features of reform physical education at school.

Theoretical, practical and scientific foundations in the field of physical education and sports

English in professional sports

basic disciplines,

university component



The purpose of studying the discipline: the acquisition by future teachers-trainers of the basics of foreign language competence necessary for professional intercultural communication, mastering the basics of oral and written forms of communication in a foreign language to use it as a means of information activity and further self-education.

Elective disciplines

Psychological and pedagogical foundations of physical education and sports

Fundamentals of sports and pedagogical skills




This course is aimed at teaching classes of general theoretical and practical categories of sports and pedagogical skills of a coach, the formation of special knowledge, professional skills and skills that ensure their application in the process of training work; teaching the principles of training work with the preparation of accounting documentation; education of morality, will, aesthetic views and diligence.

Fundamentals of sports and pedagogical mentoring

The course is aimed at studying, analyzing and implementing regulatory legal documents, recommendations of the governing bodies of physical culture and sports, educational and program documentation; studying changes in sports standards; organizing pedagogical and coaching mentoring, assisting novice teachers-trainers; organizing reviews of pedagogical, methodological literature, methodological developments and manuals

Elective disciplince

Theoretical and methodological foundations of physical education and sports

Sports on the world market




As part of this course, students will get acquainted with modern political, economic and financial trends affecting the development of the sports industry

Internationalization of Qazaq kuresi

This course will allow students to create models for the development of national sports in the international arena, concepts for attracting foreign athletes and coaches, the relevance of participation in international competitions, holding such events in Kazakhstan will be substantiated

Elective disciplince

Anatomical, physiological and medical foundations of physical culture and sports

Anatomy in Qazaq kuresi




The course examines the Qazaq kuresi training process from the angle of the necessary adaptive changes at the structural and functional levels in order to improve the physical form of a person.

Ergonomics in sports and physical activity

The discipline helps to determine the influence of ergonomic principles on the training process and the preparation of athletes to ensure conditions conducive to reducing fatigue, maintaining well-being and health.

Psychological and pedagogical foundations of physical education and sports

Pedagogical practice




Tasks of pedagogical practice: to deepen and consolidate theoretical knowledge; to apply knowledge in educational work with students during the internship; to perform the functions of a class teacher and a Qazaq kuresi coach; to conduct individual educational work with students; to form the ability to apply the knowledge gained in the field of pedagogy and methods of education in their own professional activities; to develop the skills of independent conduct educational work with schoolchildren; to organize and conduct classes on the basis of practice under the guidance of the head of the pedagogical practice from the educational institution with the presence of the head of the pedagogical practice from the university; to master the basic principles of drawing up work plans and their reporting.

Total amount of credits



7 trimester

Theoretical, practical and scientific foundations in the field of physical education and sports

Research methods in physical culture and sports




This course is designed to introduce principles and ethical considerations in relation to various types of research. Topics covered include research question development, literature criticism, research design, data collection, measurement theory, and data analysis principles. Students are expected to develop the skills of critical evaluation of published literature, development of research questions and writing research proposals.


Coaching workshop 2 (Qazaqkuresi)




This course gives the student the opportunity to practice coaching skills. Students are expected to prepare and provide weekly training plans for Qazaq kuresi. Every two weeks, students will submit a sample of one coaching plan drawn up during the period, a part for thinking about the coaching session related to the plan, and a revised plan based on the part for thinking and the input of coaching managers. Students will also learn how to identify signs of burnout in athletes and how to help athletes cope with pressure.

Theoretical and methodological foundations of physical education and sports

Physical self-improvement and leadership




The study of the course is aimed at forming a conscious position on systematic work on oneself aimed at the development of human physical culture, including various techniques and activities that determine and regulate the effective position of the individual in relation to health, psychophysical state and physical improvement. During the course, students will learn the basics of forming moral and volitional personal qualities, improving physical fitness and development based on leadership theory.

Anatomical, physiological and medical foundations of physical culture and sports

Pharmacology and doping in sports




This course explores the history of doping in sports, and students will get acquainted with the list of banned substances, testing methods, pharmacology related to doping and testing, the role of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and the resources they can use, stay up to date with changes in the list of substances and rules related to doping in sports.

Theoretical, practical and scientific foundations in the field of physical education and sports

Diplomatic foundations of international sport




This course is aimed at studying international legal documents regulating public relations in the field of sports diplomacy. The course is aimed at developing dialogue and promoting state interests through the use of the potential of sports and sports cooperation as a tool to achieve the country's goals in the international arena.

Выбор одной дисциплины

Selecting a module from the main educational program or the Minor catalog

Module of the main educational program

Theoretical and methodological foundations of physical education and sports

Sports Metrology




This course will familiarize students with the metrological basics of pedagogical control, with measurement methods in physical education and sports, methods of testing human motor capabilities, mathematical and statistical methods and their application for processing and analyzing the results of control and planning the training process.

Diagnostics in Qazaq kuresi

This course will introduce students to measurement methods in the Qazaq kuresi class using functional and correlation relationships, regression analysis, the theory of assessments and norms in sports. The student will apply quantitative assessments of qualitative characteristics, monitor strength qualities, the level of development of flexibility and endurance, the volume and intensity of the load, the effectiveness of the technique, including a comprehensive assessment of the physical fitness of the subjects







Total amount of credits



8 trimester

Theoretical, practical and scientific foundations in the field of physical education and sports

Adaptive sports kinetics




This discipline reveals the basic concepts, types, functions, principles of this course; the history of the formation and development of adaptive physical education and sports; methods and means of adaptive physical education and sports, developing physical abilities, qualities; methods and methods of training in adaptive physical education and sports; organizations, federations in adaptive sports; Paralympic movement; organization and conducting competitions for the disabled.


Practice of the training process (Qazaqkuresi)




This course gives the student the opportunity to practice the skills of a coach during the Qazaq kuresi. Students are expected to prepare and provide weekly training plans for the designated type of exercise. At the end of each week, students submit their initial training process plan, a report on coaching activities for the week and a revised plan based on the report and feedback from coaching managers.

Anatomical, physiological and medical foundations of physical culture and sports

Sports and training nutrition




As part of this course, students will get acquainted with concepts related to nutrition sources for athletes, athletic performance and energy needs, food choices, digestion and hydration. Students will learn how to perform nutrition assessments using nutrition logs and how to help athletes set nutrition-based goals.

Theoretical, practical and scientific foundations in the field of physical education and sports

High-performance sports and Olympic education




This course examines Olympic education and sports business at the international level, including the production and consumption of professional and Olympic-related sports and the impact of globalization in sports. Topics explored include globalization, commercialization, marketing, comparative sports participation models, and viewers

Anatomical, physiological and medical foundations of physical culture and sports

Kinesiology of physical culture and sports

basic disciplines,

university component




This course provides the student with the opportunity to test groups of people, as well as plan and conduct group training. At the end of each week, students present reflective material about the week's activities. Students will also have to conduct a biomechanical analysis of individual athletes and identify strengths and weaknesses in performing physical exercises.

Elective disciplines

Selecting a module from the main Educational program or the Minor catalog

Module of the main Educational program

Theoretical, practical and scientific foundations in the field of physical education and sports

Data analysis in sports




This course is designed to teach students the basics of data analysis and familiarity with software for qualitative and quantitative analysis. During the course, students will be provided with sample datasets to work with and shown how to use various data analysis programs. They will also get acquainted with the process of defining appropriate statistical tests for analyzing different types of data and interpreting statistical results.

Pedagogical dimensions in sports

The purpose of the course is to train competitive specialists who possess the theoretical and organizational foundations of systems for assessing the quality of training in sports disciplines; studying the internal systems of the sports industry; methods of developing tasks for assessing the level of formation of professional skills and universal competencies; studying internal evaluation systems in educational and sports institutions.







Total amount of credits



9 trimester

Theoretical, practical and scientific foundations in the field of physical education and sports

Professional practice




The purpose of practical training in the specialty "Physical Culture and Sports" is to form students' most important practical skills in various types of sports, pedagogical and industrial work with students; the formation of students' specific, research, professional skills corresponding to the qualification characteristics of a graduate in the specialty "Physical Culture and Sports".

Pre-graduate practice




The content of the pre-graduate practice is determined by the topic of the thesis.

The main objectives of the pre-graduate practice are: collection, processing and generalization of practical material on the topic of the thesis (project); analysis of statistical data and practical material on the topic of the thesis; formulation of conclusions, patterns, recommendations and suggestions on the topic of the thesis; formation of the readiness of the student-trainee, as a future teacher, to manage the holistic pedagogical process; application of pedagogical competencies (organizational, communicative, constructive, applied, etc.) in the process of pre-graduate practice.; improvement of general pedagogical and general psychological knowledge, skills and abilities for the diagnosis and formation of the student's personality and the state of the holistic pedagogical process in the classroom, school.


Defense of thesis / State examination





Total amount of credits






Module name

Module Description

Disciplines within the module

Total of credits

Description of the discipline

The name of the EP within which minor is implemented


Sports management

Sports management includes business activities such as planning, organization, management, control, budgeting and evaluation in a context related to various types of professional sports and physical activity. Sports management develops the necessary skills to manage a sports team or the business side of a sports club in order to generate income. Among their future responsibilities, students should expect to gain the professional experience necessary to lead and promote sports organizations, manage arenas and stadiums, and organize recreational sports events.

Sports management covers such sections as: sports facilities management, selection of athletes, sports management, leadership and personnel management, sports marketing, sponsorship and sales.

The key competencies being formed are to apply managerial competencies in the organization of sports activities and industry

Sports management and marketing


During the course, students will understand how to effectively manage professional clubs, sports associations, Olympic committees, sporting events and sports facilities; learn the process of planning and organising sporting events such as competitions, tournaments, exhibitions and conferences; learn various marketing strategies and methods of promoting sports organisations, events and products. They will also learn how to create effective marketing campaigns and use social media and other media to promote their products; explore the ethical and leadership principles that apply in the sporting sector; and learn how to manage staff, including coaches, athletes, managers and other employees of sports organisations.

Available for all educational programs

Language of instruction: Kazakh, Russian, English
Number of listeners: (min) 15; (max): 120
Prerequisites: not required

Personal Growth Management and leadership


In the course of the discipline students will learn how to manage their emotions, motivation, time and energy to achieve their goals and potential; learn how to communicate effectively with different people, including colleagues, partners, subordinates and clients; learn how to convince, inspire and motivate others; learn different approaches to leadership, including transformational, authoritarian and democratic; learn how to manage people and teams, solve conflicts and make decisions; students will learn how to analyse complex


Sports psychology

Sports psychology is the science of the psychological laws of sports activity; the peculiarities of mental processes, mental properties, mental states of athletes, problems of personality and collective in the dispute.
While athletes and coaches are clearly visible on the front lines, sports psychologists are behind the scenes helping athletes cope with mental problems that may be holding them back. In fact, any athlete will tell you that the psychological aspects of sports are just as important as the physical ones. This program focuses on practical application so that you acquire the skills necessary to make a difference by helping athletes, sports coaches, parents and all stakeholders, empowering them in sports and stimulating change.

Psychology of crisis situations in high-performance sports


In the course of the discipline, students will learn what crisis situations can arise in top performance sport, how they affect athletes and teams and how they can be dealt with; they will learn different methods of dealing with emotions and stress that help athletes cope with crisis situations. They will also learn different ways to relax and recover from stressful situations; they will learn how to develop and conduct psychological preparation of athletes and teams for crisis situations such as defeat, injury, conflicts, etc.; students will learn how to manage a team in crisis situations, develop team skills and resolve conflicts.

Barlyk BBB ushin kol zhetimdi/
Available for all OP /
Available for all educational programs

Language of instruction: Kazakh, Russian, English
Number of listeners: (min) 15; (max): 120
Prerequisites: not required

Psychology of self-development


During the course of studying the discipline, students will look at the processes that help people develop and grow as individuals and learn how to apply this knowledge in practice; learn how to recognize and use their strengths to achieve personal and professional goals, as well as learn how to help other people reach their potential; learn various methods of working with limitations and shortcomings that may interfere with personal development, including methods of overcoming fears, increasing self-confidence, etc.; learn to analyze their thoughts, feelings and behavior in order to better understand themselves, their needs and values; learn how to set goals and develop action plans to achieve them, as well as learn how to work with difficulties that may arise on the way to achieving goals; learn to establish constructive relationships with other people, communicate effectively, resolve conflicts, etc.

Scope of application – This educational program prepares highly qualified and competitive specialists who have comprehensive knowledge and the necessary skills and abilities that affect their personal development, as well as the ability to carry out professional teaching and instructor-methodological activities of mass physical education and fitness work.

The purpose and objectives of the educational program

Formation of highly qualified and competitive specialists with universal, general professional and professional competencies, capable of carrying out pedagogical and instructional and methodological activities in the field of physical culture and mass physical culture and recreation work.
The concept of education program: the educational program forms a complex of modern conceptual and innovative knowledge and skills of students, develops the most important practical skills in the field of physical culture and mass physical culture and health work, and also provides training for specialists that meet the level of modern standards.
The object of professional activity:

  • it is an educational process for physical culture and national sports, sports games in all types and types of educational institutions, organizations that implement programs of secondary, technical and vocational education, regardless of the forms of ownership and departmental subordination;
  • is the educational process  in  children's  and  youth  sports  schools  and  clubs,  boarding  schools  for  gifted  children  in  sports, schools of Olympic reserve;
  • management activities in the field of physical culture and national sports, sports games;
  • activities in organizations that implement the performance of recreational and rehabilitation tasks by means of physical culture and national sports, sports games in physical culture and sports, sports and entertainment, tourist, medical, rehabilitation and preventive institutions of any form of ownership;
  • the field of professional activity of a specialist in physical culture and national sports, sports games are physical culture, children's and youth sports, mass sports, sports of higher achievements, professional sports, sports and health tourism, motor recreation and rehabilitation, activities for improving the population by means of physical culture and sports;
  • the professional activity of a specialist in physical culture and national sports, sports games is aimed at studying and improving the physical, mental and functional capabilities of a person, at developing and approving the principles of an active and healthy lifestyle, their practical implementation by means of physical culture and sports, at forming a personality, introducing it to universal and national values.

Name of competencies

Result of training

Names of Courses that Form Results of Training (units of competences)

Universal competences (UC)

UC1– Knowledge of innovative communication and information technologies.













RT1– Demonstrate communicative abilities, logically correctly express their thoughts and requirements for students to effectively solve the problems of interpersonal interaction in the field of physical culture and mass physical culture and wellness work.


RT2– To solve professional tasks based on the use of innovative educational technologies, to act in accordance with the basic legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, international legal documents in the field of physical culture and mass physical culture and recreation work.


1. Kazakh (Russian) language
2. Foreign language
3. Information and сommunication technologies (in English language)
4. Basics of economics and business
5. Basics of Leadership
6. Methods of teaching physical culture at school
7. Theory and methodology of organizing mass physical culture and recreation work
8. Professional activity of the instructor of the methodologist for mass physical culture and health-improving work
9. Basic sports according to the school curriculum with teaching methods
10. Methods of teaching sports games
11. Theory and methodology of water sports
12. Theory and methodology of winter sports
13. Pedagogy
14. Professional success management
15. Theory and methodology of water aerobics, bicycle aerobics
16. Management and marketing in the field of sports and fitness organizations
17. Fundamentals of physical training of athletes
18. Theory and methodology of organization of extracurricular physical culture and recreation work
19. Theory and methodology of organization of physical culture and recreation work in the camp
20. Sports and wellness services
21. Psychology

1. Basics of Leadership
2. Sports law
3. Pedagogy of physical culture and sport
4. Basic sports according to the school curriculum with teaching methods
5. Methods of teaching sports games
6. History of physical culture and sports
7. Fundamentals of innovative activity in the field of physical culture and sports
8. Olympic education

UC2 – Knowledge of the basics of philosophical, socio-political, humanitarian knowledge and cultural heritage in the history of society development.

RT3Master basic knowledge in the field of certain natural, technical, social and humanitarian sciences that contribute to the formation of a comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality.


1. History of Kazakhstan
2. Philosophy
3. Сulturology
4. Рolitical science
5. Sociology
6. Basics of economics and business
7. Ecology and Life Safety
8. Physiology of physical culture and health-improving activity
9. Sports law
10. Fundamentals of sports medicine
11. Pedagogy of physical culture and sport
12. Psychology of physical culture and sports
13. Age-related anatomy and physiology
14. Sports anatomy and the basics of sports morphology
15. Pedagogy
16. Professional success management
17. Fundamentals of general and sports nutrition
18. Sports biomechanics
19. Physical therapy and massage
20. Sports metrology
21. Physical culture

RT4 - Analyze and generalize knowledge about the cultural riches, spiritual values, traditions and rituals of the peoples of Kazakhstan and the world, identify the main stages and patterns of the historical development of physical culture and mass physical culture and recreation work, tolerantly perceiving social, ethnic, confessional and cultural differences.

1. History of Kazakhstan
2. Philosophy
3. Сulturology
4. Рolitical science
5. Sociology
6. Physical culture and health technologies
7. Managing the process of sports training
8. Methods of teaching physical culture at school
9. Theory and methodology of organizing mass physical culture and recreation work.
10. Adaptive physical culture and sports
11. History of physical culture and sports
12. Olympic education
13. Sports and wellness services

General Professional Competences (GPC)


GPC 3– Possession of anatomical, physiological, psychological and pedagogical knowledge on individual and age-specific features of human development in the field of physical education and national sports, sports games and determine effective teaching methods for basic sports, sports games, taking into account the age and individual abilities of those involved.


RT5– Apply psychological and pedagogical knowledge of the basics of physical culture and sports, master the methodology of teaching basic school sports, determine effective means, methods, forms of organizing educational and extracurricular, extracurricular physical culture and recreation activities, present in an accessible form educational material that has theoretical and practical value, taking into account the abilities and capabilities of students, form sports and pedagogical skills.


1. Methods of teaching physical culture at school
2. Theory and methodology of organizing mass physical culture and recreation work
3. Organization of methodological work in a sports school
4. Professional activity of the instructor of the methodologist for mass physical culture and health-improving work
5. Fundamentals of youth and professional sports
6. Pedagogy of physical culture and sport
7. Psychology of physical culture and sports
8. Basic sports according to the school curriculum with teaching methods
9. Methods of teaching sports games
10. Theory and methodology of water sports
11. Theory and methodology of winter sports
12. Pedagogy
13. History of physical culture and sports
14. Theory and methodology of fitness
15. Fundamentals of research work on physical culture and sports
16. Fundamentals of innovative activity in the field of physical culture and sports
17. Theory and methodology of organization of extracurricular physical culture and recreation work
18. Theory and methodology of organization of physical culture and recreation work in the camp
19. Pedagogical practice

RT6– To determine the anatomical and physiological, morphological, individual characteristics of those engaged in physical culture and sports activities and to establish their impact on the development of the body, taking into account gender and age.

1. Physiology of physical culture and health-improving activity
2. Fundamentals of youth and professional sports
3. Fundamentals of sports medicine
4. Adaptive physical culture and sports
5. Age-related anatomy and physiology
6. Sports anatomy and the basics of sports morphology
7. Theory and methodology of water aerobics, bicycle aerobics
8. Sports biomechanics
9. Physical therapy and massage


GPC4– Analyze and conduct scientific research in the field of physical education and national sports, sports games, use the means and methods of organizing adaptive, therapeutic physical education and sports.

RT7– Demonstrate knowledge in the field of sports medicine, as well as apply effective means, methods, technologies of organizing adaptive, therapeutic physical education and sports aimed at rehabilitation and adaptation to a normal social environment of people with disabilities.


1. Physical culture and health technologies
2. Theory and methodology of organizing mass physical culture and recreation work
3. Physiology of physical culture and health-improving activity
4. Fundamentals of sports medicine
5. Adaptive physical culture and sports
6. Sports anatomy and the basics of sports morphology
7. History of physical culture and sports
8. Theory and methodology of fitness
9. Theory and methodology of water aerobics, bicycle aerobics
10. Physical therapy and massage
11. Sports hygiene
12. Sports and wellness services

RT8– Conduct research work in the field of physical culture and mass physical culture and recreation activities, show the ability to independently master new research methods, rely on the basics of sports metrology, interpret the results of their own scientific research, determine their theoretical and practical significance

1. Methods of teaching physical culture at school
2. Physiology of physical culture and health-improving activity
3. Fundamentals of sports medicine
4 Sports anatomy and the basics of sports morphology
5. Pedagogy
6. Sports biomechanics
7. Fundamentals of research work on physical culture and sports
8. Fundamentals of physical training of athletes
9. Sports metrology
10. Pre-degree practice

GPC5 - Be able to carry out organizational, educational and educational activities in the field of physical culture and national sports, sports games

RT9– Determine the organizational potential of educational activities and conduct sports and educational events in physical education, various national sports, sports games based on the use of the achievements of the world culture of sports training in the Olympic education system.

1. Managing the process of sports training
2. Psychology of physical culture and sports
3. Management and marketing in the field of sports and fitness organizations

Professional Competences (PC)


PC6- To study the athletic abilities of children for their chosen sport, to plan and manage the training process, to organize competitive activities, to assess the level of readiness of athletes.


RT10 The ability to carry out professional instructional and methodological work in the field of mass physical culture and recreation activities, to master the methods of teaching technical and tactical, special physical training, using the achievements of the world culture of sports training in the system of Olympic and Paralympic education, taking into account the peculiarities of proper and rational sports nutrition.


1. Managing the process of sports training
2. Theory and methodology of organizing mass physical culture and recreation work
3. Organization of methodological work in a sports school
4. Professional activity of the instructor of the methodologist for mass physical culture and health-improving work
5. Fundamentals of youth and professional sports
6. Sports law
7. Adaptive physical culture and sports
8. Basic sports according to the school curriculum with teaching methods
9. Methods of teaching sports games
10. Organization, conduct and refereeing of sports events
11. Organization and the problem of selection in sports activities
12. Theory and methodology of water sports
13. Theory and methodology of winter sports
12. History of physical culture and sports
13. Theory and methodology of fitness
14. Theory and methodology of water aerobics, bicycle aerobics
15. Fundamentals of general and sports nutrition
16. Sports biomechanics
17. Physical therapy and massage
18. Fundamentals of physical training of athletes
19. Sports metrology
20. Theory and methodology of organizing mass physical culture and recreation work
21 Theory and methodology of organization of physical culture and recreation work in the camp
22. Olympic education


RT11 To identify the athletic abilities of children, adolescents and young men for specialization in a certain sport, to scientifically manage the process of sports training in a chosen sport, to monitor compliance with hygiene standards and requirements in physical culture and recreation activities.

1. Managing the process of sports training
2. Methods of teaching physical culture at school
3. Organization of methodological work in a sports school
4. Professional activity of the instructor of the methodologist for mass physical culture and health-improving work
5. Fundamentals of youth and professional sports
6. Basic sports according to the school curriculum with teaching methods
7. Methods of teaching sports games
8. Organization, conduct and refereeing of sports events
9. Organization and the problem of selection in sports activities
10. Theory and methodology of water sports
11. Theory and methodology of winter sports
12. Theory and methodology of fitness
13. Theory and methodology of water aerobics, bicycle aerobics
14. Fundamentals of general and sports nutrition
15. Fundamentals of physical training of athletes
16. Sports hygiene
17. Theory and methodology of organization of physical culture and recreation work in the camp
18. Industrial practice


Module Nameand Code

Course Name

Language of instruction

Volume of loans


Description of the discipline

Semester 1

General education

History of Kazakhstan



The course examines the history of Kazakhstan as part of the history of mankind, the history of Eurasia and Central Asia. The history of Kazakhstan is a period in which a holistic study of historical events, phenomena, facts, processes, identification of historical patterns that took place on the territory of the Great Steppe is carried out.

Foreign language



The course includes an intensive English language learning program focused on grammar and conversational skills. The course includes topics reflecting the latest achievements in the field of education, and the terminology dictionary makes them directly relevant to the needs of students.

Kazakh (Russian) language



The purpose of the course is to ensure the qualitative assimilation of the Kazakh language as a means of social, intercultural, professional communication through the formation of communicative competencies of all levels of language use for students of the Kazakh language as a foreign language – elementary A1 level and for A2, B1, B2, C1 levels.

Social and political knowledge




The purpose of the course: is the formation of the socio-humanitarian worldview of students in the context of solving the problems of modernization of public consciousness. As a result of studying the course, the student will know the socio-ethical values of society and explain it as a product of integration processes in the system of psychological knowledge; concepts, ideas, theories in the field of psychology; be able to explain the nature of situations in various spheres of social communication based on the content of theories and ideas of psychological science.

General education

Physical culture



The course is devoted to the formation of physical culture of the individual and the ability to direct the use of various means of physical culture to preserve and strengthen health

Anatomical, physiological and medical bases of physical culture and sports

Age-related anatomy and physiology



In the course of this discipline, attention is paid to the formation and development of anatomical and physiological features of the human body at different age stages. The following issues are being studied: structural components of the human body (cell, tissue, organs, organ systems, functional systems); features of the structure, functions performed and development with age: skeleton, muscles, respiratory system, digestive system, circulatory system, excretory system, reproductive system, nervous and endocrine system, sensory systems, central systems; vegetative support of body functions at age stages.

Pedagogical basics of physical education and sports




The aim of the course: the formation of students' system of pedagogical knowledge of the integral pedagogical process; development of scientific foundations of education, psychological and pedagogical features of the construction of educational process at school.
As a result of studying the course a student will know the basic achievements, current problems and trends of development of pedagogical science, its subject and relationship to other sciences; modern requirements to personal and professional qualities of a specialist; essence, objectives and problems of training and education in the system of general and professional education.

Semester 2

General education

Foreign language



The course includes an intensive English language learning program focused on grammar and conversational skills. The course includes topics reflecting the latest achievements in the field of education, and the terminology dictionary makes them directly relevant to the needs of students.

Kazakh (Russian) language



The purpose of the course is to ensure the qualitative assimilation of the Kazakh language as a means of social, intercultural, professional communication through the formation of communicative competencies of all levels of language use for students of the Kazakh language as a foreign language – elementary A1 level and for A2, B1, B2, C1 levels.

General education

Physical Culture



The course is devoted to the formation of physical culture of the individual and the ability to direct the use of various means of physical culture to preserve and strengthen health

Theoretical, practical and scientific foundations in the field of physical culture and national sports, sports games

Professional success management



This course covers mechanisms of theoretical and applied models of professional success, strategies for oral business, written business and career communications, skills of professional leadership and effective teamwork in business, self-presentation, idea generation and creative thinking, image of a business person.

Anatomical, physiological and medical bases of physical culture and sports

Sports anatomy and the basics of sports morphology



This course covers the goals and objectives of sports anatomy and morphology; age periodization; features of body constitution; changes in muscle mass in people of different somatic types; adaptive capacity of the body; effects of loads on bones, ligaments, muscles, tendons; morphological and anatomical basis of activity in movement; special equipment for conducting research, research methods of sports anatomy and morphology.

Pedagogical basics of physical education and sports

Training practice



The educational practice is aimed at familiarizing the student with the educational process of an educational institution (secondary school, lyceum, gymnasium, college, etc.), its adaptation to the conditions of future professional activity.

Theoretical and historical-legal foundations of physical culture and sports

History of physical culture and sports



This course examines the historical features of the development of physical education and mass physical education and health work, the historical development of forms, tools, methods, systems of physical education and training, current trends in the development of mass physical education and health work in Kazakhstan and in the world.

Total credits for 1styear



Semester 3

General education

Information and сommunication technologies (in English language)



The course includes the study of modern information technologies, including methods and means of communication of people in ordinary and professional activities using information technology. These technologies are being studied in relation to the search, collection, storage, processing and dissemination of information.

General education

Physical Culture



The course is devoted to the formation of physical culture of the individual and the ability to direct the use of various means of physical culture to preserve and strengthen health

Theoretical, practical and scientific foundations in the field of physical education, mass sports, sports games

Theory and methodology of organizing mass physical culture and recreation work



The course examines the goals and objectives, principles and methods of sports and physical culture and mass activities, the structure and content of physical culture and sports work, features of various forms of sports and mass activities, planning questions of sports and mass events, the scheduling of sports and mass activities, classification of competitions, regulations on safety in carrying out physical culture and mass work.

Organization of methodological work in a sports school



In the course of this discipline, the methodological features of work in a sports school are considered; the content of this work; types of methodological work in a sports school; pedagogical control; methodological features of training analysis; work planning; features of documentation; management of a sports school; methods of selecting coaches and students; organization of leisure activities; work with parents of engaged children in a sports school.

Professional activity of the instructor of the methodologist for mass physical culture and health-improving work



This course examines the theoretical and methodological foundations of the activities of the instructor-methodologist in this area; professional qualities; features of the implementation of the instructor-methodist recruitment in sports sections, groups, schools, etc.; organization and conduct of events in the physical culture and recreation area; the content of the work, methods, technologies, planning and conducting analytical activities; safety in the field of physical culture and recreation organizations.

Theoretical and historical-legal foundations of physical culture and sports

Sports law



The course examines the concept and essence of sports law; the subject, principles and development of sports law; the legislative system, legal acts in the sphere of physical education and sports of Kazakhstan; the legal basis for international sports competitions; features of international sports contracts; the legal basis for doping control; the concept, essence, classification and methods of settlement of sports disputes.

Choose one discipline

Pedagogical basics of physical education and sports

Pedagogy of physical culture and sport



This discipline is aimed at studying: the basic categories; features of the organization of the activity of a sports teacher; structural models of the functioning of pedagogy of physical education and sport; methods, tools, forms of the discipline; innovative educational technologies; diagnostics of the results of the activity of a sports teacher; self-education, self-development, self-learning of a sports teacher; educational interaction in physical education and sport; trends in sports-pedagogical education.

Psychology of physical culture and sports

This course examines the history of the development of this discipline, the scientific foundations of the course, psychological methods of research, psychological aspects in the field of physical education and sport, the psychology of athletes and coaching, psychological diagnosis, psychological assistance in sport, psychological basis of management in physical education and sport.

Semester 4

Social and political knowledge




The course includes knowledge of sociological subject areas, research methods and directions. During the course, the main sociological theories and the most effective ways to gain in-depth knowledge about various aspects of our modern society will be discussed in detail. The special significance of this course for students is the opportunity to develop sociological imagination, to understand the basic concepts of sociology as a science.

Political science



The course is dedicated to general political knowledge for specialties in the field of information technology. The course includes political self-awareness, improvement of one's political outlook and communicative competencies. The teaching of political knowledge is communicative, interactive, student-oriented, result-oriented and largely depends on the independent work of students.




The course will help to become the basis for the study of the entire complex of social sciences and humanities, as well as a supplement to general courses in history and philosophy. The course includes such topics as morphology, semiotics, anatomy of culture, culture of nomads of Kazakhstan, cultural heritage of Proto-Turks, medieval culture of Central Asia, formation of Kazakh culture, Kazakh culture in the context of globalization, cultural policy of Kazakhstan, etc.

General education

Physical Culture



The course is devoted to the formation of physical culture of the individual and the ability to direct the use of various means of physical culture to preserve and strengthen health

Anatomical, physiological and medical bases of physical culture and sports

Physiology of physical education and sports



In the course of this discipline, the characteristics of the physiological reactions of the human body and its individual systems to various types of physical culture and wellness activities are given; the adaptive capabilities of the body to perform physical exercises; the development of motor skills, qualities from the standpoint of physiology; performance, fatigue and recovery of the athlete''s body; research methods and methods for determining the physiological state of the body engaged in physical culture and wellness activities; health-improving physical culture and its physiological features; physiological bases of physical culture and health technologies; the influence of various systems of improving the body on its physiological state, taking into account age and individual characteristics.

Pedagogical foundations of physical education and sports

Pedagogical practice



The purpose of pedagogical practice is to form students' most important practical skills in various types of psychological and pedagogical work with students, the formation of students' specific, research, professional skills corresponding to the qualification characteristics of the graduate of this educational program.

Theoretical and methodological foundations of physical education and sports

Fundamentals of youth and professional sports



The course of this discipline examines the features of sports orientation, organization and conduct of sports selection; psychological training; periodization in the development of motor ability in humans; goals and objectives, requirements for training sessions; coaching activities in working with children, adults; technical and tactical training, organization of sports activities for children and young men, adults; technologies aimed at physical development, monitoring and accounting of achievements in sports in children, young men and adults.

Pedagogical basics of physical education and sports

Methods of teaching physical culture at school



This course discusses: the purpose, objectives, object and subject, the basic categories, the history of the formation and development of the discipline, methods of research, the system of physical education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, principles, tools, methods, physical education training, features of motor skills and abilities, especially the formation of physical qualities in students, forms of physical education organization, the lesson structure and features of its organization in physical education, planning system of educational and extracurricular activities of physical education

Choose one discipline

General education

Basics of economics and business



During the course the mechanism of entrepreneurship is disclosed taking into account the accumulated experience of theory and practice in developed Western countries, the experience of entrepreneurship formation in Kazakhstan, the application of civil legislation governing the organization of entrepreneurial activity, the basic concepts and terms that denote the essence of almost all subsystems of entrepreneurship, which allows students to have a complete picture not only of the business, but also the conditions and factors of its organization in a market environment

Basics of Leadership

The course explores the definition of leadership and leadership theory. A situational approach to instructional leadership is applied. The student acquires skills in discovering their potential and recognizing the talents of subordinates, shaping attitudes toward growth and development, and answering questions about how to influence motivation and success

Ecology and Life Safety

The course is aimed at forming students' environmental thinking, the ability to adequately assess the state of the environment and the degree of influence of harmful and dangerous factors on the person, the skills of rational use of natural resources; teaching rules and practical skills to ensure safety in professional activities and first aid in emergencies.

Total credits for 2ndyear  60


Semester 5

General education




The course involves the study of the discipline philosophy as a special form of spiritual studies in its cultural and historical development and modern sound. The main directions and problems of world and domestic philosophy are studied. Philosophy is a special form of cognition of the world, creating a system of cognition of the general principles and foundations of human life, about the essential characteristics of a person's attitude to nature, society and spiritual life, in all its main direction




Choose one discipline

Theoretical and methodological foundations of physical education and sports

Basic sports according to the school curriculum with teaching methods



The discipline is aimed at studying the theoretical and methodological foundations of teaching basic sports at school; characteristics are given; teaching methodology of volleyball, basketball, handball, tennis, soccer, badminton, etc.; theory and methodology of teaching athletics, swimming, gymnastics, etc.; features of pedagogical aspects in teaching these disciplines; innovative methods and technologies.

Methods of teaching sports games


The discipline is aimed at studying the basic categories; classification and characteristics of sports games; technique and tactics in sports games; various methods of teaching volleyball, basketball, handball, tennis, soccer, badminton, etc. according to the individual and age characteristics of students; organization and conducting competitions; equipment and grounds for sports games; analysis of training sessions; innovative teaching methods; prospects for development of sports games.






Choose one discipline

Theoretical and methodological foundations of physical education and sports

Organization, conduct and refereeing of sports events



The purpose of the discipline the formation of students significant for the sports organizer and referee professional qualities and personal qualities. During the course studied the issues of organization and competition in a chosen sport of different levels, the essence, functions and types of sport and mass events, competition rules, stages of preparation of sport and mass events, the questioning of the judging competitions: the composition of the judicial board, the rights and duties of the judges; logistics and medical support of sport and mass; normative and technical documentation of sport and mass events.

Organization and the problem of selection in sports activities

The course will address the stages, tasks, principles of selection, methodological requirements for selection; criteria and methods of selection; athletic ability and ability to set; indicators of the influence of heredity; human genetic map; mandatory comprehensive program to assess the individual's capabilities

Choose one discipline

Theoretical and methodological foundations of physical education and sports

Theory and methodology of water sports



In the course of the discipline are given theoretical and methodological bases of water sports, history of development, technology, sports training, methods of teaching water sports, the specificity of coaching activities in these sports, the value of water sports for human health

Theory and methodology of winter sports

The course provides the theoretical and methodological foundations of winter sports, history of development, equipment, technique, sports training, methods of teaching winter sports, the Olympic disciplines, the specificity of coaching in these sports, features of competitions, the value of winter sports (snowboarding, freestyle, biathlon, skiing, Nordic combined, ski racing, etc.) for human health.

Choose one discipline

Theoretical and methodological foundations of physical education and sports

Theory and methodology of fitness



The course of this discipline studies the theoretical and methodological bases of fitness, types of fitness, nutrition during fitness classes, equipment, technique of exercises and fitness programs, service of fitness services, the importance and role of fitness for human health.

Theory and methodology of athletic gymnastics

The course of this discipline examines the theoretical and practical foundations of athletic gymnastics; methods and techniques for performing exercises; training programs; content and organization of classes; the value and role of athletic gymnastics for health.

Choose one discipline

Anatomical, physiological and medical bases of physical culture and sports

Fundamentals of general and sports nutrition



The discipline "Fundamentals of General and Sports Nutrition" will acquaint students with the theoretical foundations of nutrition, sanitary and hygienic requirements for the organization of nutrition of the population and athletes, with the concepts of rational nutrition, the principles of nutrition of various population groups in modern socio-ecological conditions, with the experience of domestic and foreign nutritionists in formation of individual nutrition.

Sports biomechanics

The discipline involves the study of the subject and the history of biomechanics, the kinematics of human movements, the dynamics of human movements, locomotor movements, moving movements, shock actions, individual and group characteristics of motor skills

Semester 6

Anatomical, physiological and medical bases of physical culture and sports

Physical and functional training in a chosen sport



This discipline includes the study of various aspects of physical fitness such as: movement and technique analysis in a chosen sport; physical preparation, including exercises to develop strength, endurance, flexibility and coordination; training planning according to the goals and needs of a chosen sport; equipment operation and advice on its use; healthy lifestyles and proper nutrition to maximise performance in a chosen sport.
The discipline aims to help athletes develop optimal physical abilities and achieve better results in their chosen sport.

Adaptive physical culture and sports



This discipline reveals the basic concepts, types, functions and principles of this course; the history of formation and development of adaptive physical education and sport; methods and means of adaptive physical education and sport, developing physical abilities and qualities; methods and techniques of education in adaptive physical education and sport; organizations, federations in adaptive sports; the Paralympic movement; organization and holding competitions for the disabled.

Pedagogical practice



The purpose of pedagogical practice is to form students' most important practical skills in various types of psychological and pedagogical work with students, the formation of students' specific, research, professional skills corresponding to the qualification characteristics of the graduate of this educational program.

Theoretical and historical-legal foundations of physical culture and sports

Management and marketing in the field of sports and fitness organizations



The course of this discipline sets out the basics of management, areas of management in this area; objects of management; marketing information, management in physical education and sports organizations, PR-technologies and advertising in the promotion of services of physical education and fitness organizations; management of sports goods and services; the role of branding in sports management.



Discipline 1





Discipline 2




Total credits for 3rdyear



Semester 7

Theoretical and methodological foundations of physical education and sports

Fundamentals of research work on physical culture and sports



The discipline is aimed at studying the specifics of the organization of research activities in physical education and sport; conceptual apparatus of research; methodology and empirical and theoretical methods of research; stages of research; pedagogical measurements; use of data of sports metrology in research; determination of practical and theoretical significance of research; processing and registration of research results; features of preparation and defense of course and diploma works of students studying in the field of "Physical Education

Innovative activities in the field of Physical Culture and sports



This course examines innovative technologies in the field of physical education and sports; modernization of physical education in educational institutions; interactive technologies in training personnel in this field; innovative training of athletes; innovations in sports competitions; digital technologies in physical education and sports; innovative ideas and trends in the market of physical culture and wellness services.

Choose one discipline

Anatomical, physiological and medical bases of physical culture and sports

Physical therapy and massage



This course outlines the general fundamentals of physical education; the characteristics of the means and forms; features of the organization of therapeutic physical education for various health disorders; basic techniques; classification of massage; technique of execution; features of the organization of therapeutic physical education with schoolchildren classified to a particular health group.

Physical culture and health technologies

This discipline studies the theoretical and methodological bases of health-saving technologies based on physical education, their classification, means, methods and principles of health improvement, features of these technologies in educational institutions, features of health and physical culture systems of different countries.

Choose one discipline

Theoretical and methodological foundations of physical education and sports

Managing the process of sports training



This course studies the history and current state of systems of sports training in different countries; the theoretical foundations of the management of the process of sports training in kazaksha kures, togyzkumalak, audaryspak, bayge, zhamby atu, kokpar and others, sports games (volleyball, basketball, handball, tennis, soccer and others); system of training athletes; organization and conducting competitions; factors that determine success in sport; evaluation and analysis of sports training.

Fundamentals of physical training of athletes

This course examines the features of the organization of physical training of athletes; methods of teaching a certain sport taking into account different levels of training; various tests and evaluation of the dynamics of the development of physical data; methods and means of this training; its features at different stages; features of the selection of forms of organizing classes of various directions; improving training.

Choose one discipline

Theoretical and methodological foundations of physical education and sports

Sports hygiene



This course covers the basic concepts and tasks of sports hygiene; hygienic requirements for physical education classes, sports facilities, equipment; organization of training in compliance with hygienic norms and rules; daily routine, nutrition and sports training; personal hygiene; hardening system.

Sports metrology

This course covers the history of the emergence and development of sports metrology; general foundations of metrology; mathematical methods in metrology; statistical hypotheses; correlation analysis; tests to determine general physical fitness; methods of control of functional fitness in sports; metrological aspects of the organization of research in sports.

Choose one discipline

Theoretical and methodological foundations of physical education and sports

Theory and methodology of organization of extracurricular physical culture and recreation work



The course of the discipline reveals the features and forms of organization of extracurricular physical culture and recreation work: exercises, sports holidays, sports contests, competitions, etc.; methods of organizing various extracurricular sports events depending on the age and individual characteristics of schoolchildren; criteria for the effectiveness of these various forms; the role of extracurricular work in the improvement of the younger generation.

Theory and methodology of organization of physical culture and recreation work in the camp

In this discipline, the purpose, tasks, forms, content of physical culture and recreation work in the camp are considered; planning of this activity; organization and holding of competitions in sports, outdoor games, national sports, judging competitions; organization and training in swimming; the role of effective organization of physical culture and recreation work in the camp to strengthen the health of the younger generation.

Anatomical, physiological and medical bases of physical culture and sports

Olympic education

This course examines the history of the formation and development of Olympic education; the ideals and principles of the Olympic movement in the world; Olympic sports; the history and features of the Olympic Games; organization, regulatory framework, culture of Olympic sports; the Paralympic Games: the history of formation and development, features of the organization

Sports and wellness services

This course provides the history of the emergence and development of sports and wellness services in Kazakhstan and in the world; the purpose, objectives of sports and wellness services; basic concepts, types and features of sports and wellness services; reveals the theoretical foundations of the organization, functioning and development of sports and wellness services.

Semester 8

Theoretical and methodological foundations of physical education and sports

Industrial practice




Pre-degree practice




Final examination

Writing and defending a thesis (project) or preparing and passing a comprehensive exam




Total creditsfor 4rdyear




Total for education program




Module name

Module Description

Disciplines within the module

Total of credits

Description of the discipline

The name of the EP within which minor is implemented


Sports management

Sports management includes business activities such as planning, organization, management, control, budgeting and evaluation in a context related to various types of professional sports and physical activity. Sports management develops the necessary skills to manage a sports team or the business side of a sports club in order to generate income. Among their future responsibilities, students should expect to gain the professional experience necessary to lead and promote sports organizations, manage arenas and stadiums, and organize recreational sports events.

Sports management covers such sections as: sports facilities management, selection of athletes, sports management, leadership and personnel management, sports marketing, sponsorship and sales.

The key competencies being formed are to apply managerial competencies in the organization of sports activities and industry

Sports management and marketing


During the course, students will understand how to effectively manage professional clubs, sports associations, Olympic committees, sporting events and sports facilities; learn the process of planning and organising sporting events such as competitions, tournaments, exhibitions and conferences; learn various marketing strategies and methods of promoting sports organisations, events and products. They will also learn how to create effective marketing campaigns and use social media and other media to promote their products; explore the ethical and leadership principles that apply in the sporting sector; and learn how to manage staff, including coaches, athletes, managers and other employees of sports organisations.

Available for all educational programs

Language of instruction: Kazakh, Russian, English
Number of listeners: (min) 15; (max): 120
Prerequisites: not required

Personal Growth Management and leadership


In the course of the discipline students will learn how to manage their emotions, motivation, time and energy to achieve their goals and potential; learn how to communicate effectively with different people, including colleagues, partners, subordinates and clients; learn how to convince, inspire and motivate others; learn different approaches to leadership, including transformational, authoritarian and democratic; learn how to manage people and teams, solve conflicts and make decisions; students will learn how to analyse complex


Sports psychology

Sports psychology is the science of the psychological laws of sports activity; the peculiarities of mental processes, mental properties, mental states of athletes, problems of personality and collective in the dispute.
While athletes and coaches are clearly visible on the front lines, sports psychologists are behind the scenes helping athletes cope with mental problems that may be holding them back. In fact, any athlete will tell you that the psychological aspects of sports are just as important as the physical ones. This program focuses on practical application so that you acquire the skills necessary to make a difference by helping athletes, sports coaches, parents and all stakeholders, empowering them in sports and stimulating change.

Psychology of crisis situations in high-performance sports


In the course of the discipline, students will learn what crisis situations can arise in top performance sport, how they affect athletes and teams and how they can be dealt with; they will learn different methods of dealing with emotions and stress that help athletes cope with crisis situations. They will also learn different ways to relax and recover from stressful situations; they will learn how to develop and conduct psychological preparation of athletes and teams for crisis situations such as defeat, injury, conflicts, etc.; students will learn how to manage a team in crisis situations, develop team skills and resolve conflicts.

Barlyk BBB ushin kol zhetimdi/
Available for all OP /
Available for all educational programs

Language of instruction: Kazakh, Russian, English
Number of listeners: (min) 15; (max): 120
Prerequisites: not required

Psychology of self-development


During the course of studying the discipline, students will look at the processes that help people develop and grow as individuals and learn how to apply this knowledge in practice; learn how to recognize and use their strengths to achieve personal and professional goals, as well as learn how to help other people reach their potential; learn various methods of working with limitations and shortcomings that may interfere with personal development, including methods of overcoming fears, increasing self-confidence, etc.; learn to analyze their thoughts, feelings and behavior in order to better understand themselves, their needs and values; learn how to set goals and develop action plans to achieve them, as well as learn how to work with difficulties that may arise on the way to achieving goals; learn to establish constructive relationships with other people, communicate effectively, resolve conflicts, etc.

The Competence model of the graduate of the EP "Training of Physical Education Teacher and Instructor-Methodist for mass physical education and health work" includes three key groups of competencies:
1) Pedagogical;
2) Social and multicultural;
3) Professional.
The group of Pedagogical competencies includes:

  1. Competence to “translate” the content of the objective process of education into specific pedagogical tasks: the study of the individual and the team to determine their readiness to actively acquire new knowledge and design on this basis the development of the team and individual students; the allocation of a complex of educational, educational and developmental tasks, their concretization and definition of the dominant task.
  2. Competence to build and set in motion a logically completed pedagogical system: comprehensive planning of educational and educational tasks; reasonable choice of forms, methods and means of its organization.
  3. Competence to identify and establish relationships between the components and factors of education, to put them into action: the creation of necessary conditions (material, moral, psychological, organizational, etc.); activation of the student's personality, the development of activities; etc.
  4. Competence of accounting and evaluation of the results of pedagogical activity: introspection and analysis of the educational process and the results of the teacher's activity; definition of a new set of dominant and subordinate tasks.

The group of Social and Multicultural Competencies includes:

  1. Competence to interact constructively with different people, to maintain communication, to empathize, to understand and accept the point of view of the interlocutor, to determine the psychological state of the communication partner, to assess the conditions of communication and be able to build their speech in accordance with them, to be attentive to the interlocutor, to control their behavior, to bring things started to the end, to formulate thoughts correctly and express your opinion.
  2. Competence to take responsibility for the results of the work of others, motivate employees and coordinate their work to achieve goals, influence the behavior of employees and colleagues.
  3. Competence to participate effectively in the social processes of a multicultural society, to carry out intercultural interaction, to take into account the multicultural composition of the subjects of professional activity and use its characteristics and features to solve pedagogical tasks, as well as to carry out multicultural education of students.
  4. Competence in the study of the fundamentals of philosophical, socio-political, humanitarian knowledge and cultural heritage in the history of the development of society.

The group of Professional competencies includes:

  1. Competence in providing and conducting methodological and methodological activities in the organization of physical education and mass physical and recreational work.
  2. Competence in the study of students' abilities for the chosen sport, planning and management of the sports and training process, taking into account the level of preparedness of students.
  3. Competence in identifying and solving emerging problems in the professional and social sphere with the use of digital technologies and demonstration of innovative thinking.
Competence in conducting business activities with forecasting and evaluation of the development of the chosen business model based on the principles of project and risk management

Scope of application – This educational program trains highly qualified and competitive specialists who have comprehensive knowledge and the necessary skills and abilities that affect their personal development, as well as are able to carry out professional pedagogical and coaching activities in the field of physical culture and national sports, sports games.

The purpose and objectives of the educational program

Training of highly qualified and competitive physical education teachers and coaches in national sports, sports games in modern society, who have universal, general professional and professional competencies in the field of pedagogical and coaching activities.
The concept of education program. The educational program forms a complex of modern conceptual and innovative knowledge and skills of students, develops the most important practical skills in the field of physical culture and national sports, sports games, and also provides training of specialists corresponding to the level of modern standards.
The object of professional activity:

  • it is an educational process for physical culture and national sports, sports games in all types and types of educational institutions, organizations that implement programs of secondary, technical and vocational education, regardless of the forms of ownership and departmental subordination;
  • is the educational process  in  children's  and  youth  sports  schools  and  clubs,  boarding  schools  for  gifted  children  in  sports, schools of Olympic reserve;
  • management activities in the field of physical culture and national sports, sports games;
  • activities in organizations that implement the performance of recreational and rehabilitation tasks by means of physical culture and national sports, sports games in physical culture and sports, sports and entertainment, tourist, medical, rehabilitation and preventive institutions of any form of ownership;
  • the field of professional activity of a specialist in physical culture and national sports, sports games are physical culture, children's and youth sports, mass sports, sports of higher achievements, professional sports, sports and health tourism, motor recreation and rehabilitation, activities for improving the population by means of physical culture and sports;
  • the professional activity of a specialist in physical culture and national sports, sports games is aimed at studying and improving the physical, mental and functional capabilities of a person, at developing and approving the principles of an active and healthy lifestyle, their practical implementation by means of physical culture and sports, at forming a personality, introducing it to universal and national values

Name of competencies

Result of training

Names of Courses that Form Results of Training (units of competences)

Universal competences (UC)

UC1– Knowledge of innovative communication and information technologies.

RT1– To demonstrate communicative abilities in kazakh, russian and foreign languages, logically correctly express their thoughts and requirements for pupils for the effective solution of problems of interpersonal and intercultural interaction in the field of physical culture and national sports, sports games.


RT2– Solve professional problems based on the use of innovative educational technologies, master the methods of obtaining, storing, processing, protecting and using information, apply legal and entrepreneurial knowledge in the field of physical culture and sports.

1. Kazakh (Russian) language
2. Foreign language
3.  Professionallyl Kazakh (Russian) language
4. Professionally-Oriented Foreign Language
5. Information and сommunication technologies (in English language)
6.  Sports law
7.  Professional success management
8.  Basics of economics and business
9.  Basics of Leadership

UC2 – Knowledge of the basics of philosophical, socio-political, humanitarian knowledge and cultural heritage in the history of society development.

RT3 – Master basic knowledge in the field of certain natural, technical, social and humanitarian sciences that contribute to the formation of a comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality.

RT4 - Analyze and generalize knowledge about the cultural riches, spiritual values, traditions and rituals of the peoples of Kazakhstan and the world, identify the main stages and patterns of the historical development of physical culture and national sports, sports games, tolerantly perceiving social, ethnic, confessional and cultural differences.

1. History of Kazakhstan
2. Philosophy
3. Сulturology
4. Рolitical science
5. Sociology
6. Ecology and Life Safety
7. History of physical culture and national sports, sports games
8. Educational practice

UC3– Possession of anatomical and physiological, psychological and pedagogical knowledge on individual and age-specific features
of human development in the field of physical culture and national sports, sports games

RT5– To apply psychological and pedagogical knowledge of the basics of physical culture and sports in the organization of educational, extracurricular and extracurricular activities in physical culture and sports, to carry out comprehensive monitoring on the basis of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, analysis and synthesis, to form sports and pedagogical skills.


RT6– To determine the anatomical and physiological, morphological, individual characteristics of those engaged in physical culture and sports activities and to establish their impact on the development of the body, taking into account gender and age.

1. Psychology
2. Pedagogy
3.  Pedagogy of physical culture and sport
4.  Psychology of physical culture and sport
5.  Age-related anatomy and physiology
6.  Sports anatomy and the basics of sports morphology
7.  Physiology of physical education and national sports
8.  Fundamentals of general and sports nutrition
9.  Sports biomechanics
10.  Psychological-pedagogical placement

General Professional Competences (GPC)

GPC4– Analyze and conduct scientific research in the field of physical education and national sports, sports games, use the means and methods of organizing adaptive, therapeutic physical education and sports.

RT7– Demonstrate knowledge in the field of sports medicine, as well as apply scientifically-based means, methods, technologies for organizing adaptive, therapeutic physical education and sports aimed at rehabilitation and adaptation to a normal social environment of people with disabilities.

RT8– Conduct research work in the field of physical culture and national sports, sports games, show the ability to independently master new research methods, rely on the basics of sports metrology, pedagogical measurements and control, interpret the results of their own scientific research, determine their theoretical and practical significance.

1. Fundamentals of sports medicine
2.  Adaptive physical culture and sports
3.  Physical therapy and massage
4.  Physical culture and health technologies
5.  Sports metrology
6.  Pedagogical dimensions in sports
7.  Fundamentals of research work on physical culture and sports

GPC5 - Be able to carry out organizational, educational and educational activities in the field of physical culture and national sports, sports games

RT9– Determine the organizational potential of educational activities and conduct sports and educational activities in physical education, various national sports.

1.  Basics of children's and youth sports
2. Physical culture
3. Theory and methods of physical education
4. Theory and methodology of organizing mass physical culture and recreation work

Professional Competences (PC)

PC6– Determine effective teaching methods for basic and national sports, sports games, taking into account the age and individual abilities of those involved.


RT10– Master the basics of basic school sports, apply methods of teaching physical culture and sports, determine effective means, methods, forms of organizing educational and extracurricular activities for a particular sport, explaining in an accessible form the educational material that has theoretical and practical value, taking into account the abilities and capabilities of those involved.


1. Methods of teaching physical culture at school
2. Basic sports according to the school curriculum with teaching methods
3. Pedagogical practice
4. Methods of teaching sports games
5. Theory and methodology of water sports
6. Theory and methodology of winter sports
7. Theory and methodology of fitness
8. Theory and methodology of athletic gymnastics
9. Industrial practice

PC7 - To study the athletic abilities of children for their chosen sport, to plan and manage the training process, to organize competitive activities, to assess the level of readiness of athletes.

RT11 – The ability to carry out professional coaching activities, knowing the methods of teaching technical and tactical training, special physical training in national sports, sports games, organizing and conducting competitive activities taking into account the age characteristics of training.


RT12 – To identify the athletic abilities of children, adolescents and young men for specialization in a certain sport, to scientifically manage the process of sports training in a chosen sport, to carry out physical self-improvement, showing managerial and leadership qualities.

1. Professional coaching activities in national sports, sports games
2. Sports selection and age-related features of training in national sports, sports games
3. Fundamentals of technical and tactical training in national sports, sports games
4. Competitive activity in national sports, sports games
5. Managing the process of sports training
6. Physical self-improvement and leadership

PC8– Practical and theoretical readiness of the graduate to solve professional educational problems in accordance with the State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

RT11– Demonstrates readiness indicators for solving problems in the professional field

1. Pre-diploma practice.
2.  Writing and defence of a thesis/project or preparation and submission of comprehensive exam

Module Name

Course Name

Language of instruction

Total of credits

The content of the educational program

Semester 1

General education

History of Kazakhstan



The course examines the history of Kazakhstan as part of the history of mankind, the history of Eurasia and Central Asia. The history of Kazakhstan is a period in which a holistic study of historical events, phenomena, facts, processes, identification of historical patterns that took place on the territory of the Great Steppe is carried out.

Foreign language



The course includes an intensive English language learning program focused on grammar and conversational skills. The course includes topics reflecting the latest achievements in the field of education, and the terminology dictionary makes them directly relevant to the needs of students.

Kazakh (Russian) language



The purpose of the course is to ensure the qualitative assimilation of the Kazakh language as a means of social, intercultural, professional communication through the formation of communicative competencies of all levels of language use for students of the Kazakh language as a foreign language – elementary A1 level and for A2, B1, B2, C1 levels.

Social and political knowledge




The purpose of the course: is the formation of the socio-humanitarian worldview of students in the context of solving the problems of modernization of public consciousness. As a result of studying the course, the student will know the socio-ethical values of society and explain it as a product of integration processes in the system of psychological knowledge; concepts, ideas, theories in the field of psychology; be able to explain the nature of situations in various spheres of social communication based on the content of theories and ideas of psychological science.

General education

Physical culture



The course is devoted to the formation of physical culture of the individual and the ability to direct the use of various means of physical culture to preserve and strengthen health

Anatomical, physiological and medical bases of physical culture and sports

Age-related anatomy and physiology



In the course of this discipline, attention is paid to the formation and development of anatomical and physiological features of the human body at different age stages. The following issues are being studied: structural components of the human body (cell, tissue, organs, organ systems, functional systems); features of the structure, functions performed and development with age: skeleton, muscles, respiratory system, digestive system, circulatory system, excretory system, reproductive system, nervous and endocrine system, sensory systems, central systems; vegetative support of body functions at age stages.

Psychological and pedagogical foundations of physical education and sports




The purpose of the course: formation of students' system of pedagogical knowledge about the holistic pedagogical process; mastering the scientific foundations of education, psychological and pedagogical features of the construction of the educational process at school. As a result of studying the course, the student will know the main achievements, current problems and trends in the development of pedagogical science, its subject and interrelations with other sciences; modern requirements for personal and professional qualities of a specialist; the essence, goals and problems of training and education in the system of general education and vocational education.

Semester 2

General education

Foreign language



The course includes an intensive English language learning program focused on grammar and conversational skills. The course includes topics reflecting the latest achievements in the field of education, and the terminology dictionary makes them directly relevant to the needs of students.

Kazakh (Russian) language



The purpose of the course is to ensure the qualitative assimilation of the Kazakh language as a means of social, intercultural, professional communication through the formation of communicative competencies of all levels of language use for students of the Kazakh language as a foreign language – elementary A1 level and for A2, B1, B2, C1 levels

General education

Physical Culture



The course is devoted to the formation of physical culture of the individual and the ability to direct the use of various means of physical culture to preserve and strengthen health

Theoretical, practical and scientific foundations in the field of physical culture and national sports, sports games

Professional success management



This course covers mechanisms of theoretical and applied models of professional success, strategies for oral business, written business and career communications, skills of professional leadership and effective teamwork in business, self-presentation, idea generation and creative thinking, image of a business person.

Anatomical, physiological and medical bases of physical culture and sports

Sports anatomy and the basics of sports morphology



This course covers the goals and objectives of sports anatomy and morphology; age periodization; features of body constitution; changes in muscle mass in people of different somatic types; adaptive capacity of the body; effects of loads on bones, ligaments, muscles, tendons; morphological and anatomical basis of activity in movement; special equipment for conducting research, research methods of sports anatomy and morphology

Psychological and pedagogical foundations of physical education and sports

Training practice



The educational practice is aimed at familiarizing the student with the educational process of an educational institution (secondary school, lyceum, gymnasium, college, etc.), its adaptation to the conditions of future professional activity.

Theoretical and historical-legal foundations of physical culture and sports

History of physical culture and national sports, sports games



This course examines the goal, objectives, basic concepts; features of the development of physical education and sport, sports games in different countries; historical development of forms, methods, tools, systems of physical education and training; prospects of development of kazakhsha kures, togyzkumalak, audaryspak, bayge, zhambi atu, kokpar and other sports relevant to national, in Kazakhstan; prospects of education in physical education and sport in Kazakhstan and the world.

Total credits for 1styear



Semester 3

General education

Information and сommunication technologies (in English language)



The course includes the study of modern information technologies, including methods and means of communication of people in ordinary and professional activities using information technology. These technologies are being studied in relation to the search, collection, storage, processing and dissemination of information.

General education

Physical Culture



The course is devoted to the formation of physical culture of the individual and the ability to direct the use of various means of physical culture to preserve and strengthen health

Theoretical, practical and scientific foundations in the field of physical culture and national sports, sports games

Professionally-Oriented Foreign Language



The purpose of the discipline "Professional English" is to form the communicative competence of a specialist, capable of solving urgent tasks of communication in various spheres of professional activity by means of English.

Theoretical and historical-legal foundations of physical culture and sports

Sports law



The course examines the concept and essence of sports law; the subject, principles and development of sports law; the legislative system, legal acts in the sphere of physical education and sports of Kazakhstan; the legal basis for international sports competitions; features of international sports contracts; the legal basis for doping control; the concept, essence, classification and methods of settlement of sports disputes.


Theory of the chosen sport



The discipline "Theory of a selected sport" studies the theoretical foundations and principles that relate to a particular sport. It covers various aspects of the sport, including technique, tactics, physiological aspects, psychological aspects, rules, history and culture.
The discipline helps students gain a comprehensive understanding of their chosen sport, which can be useful for coaches, athletes, PE practitioners and others working in the field of sport.

Psychological and pedagogical foundations of physical education and sports

Theory and methods of physical education



The content of this course forms a system of knowledge about the aesthetic, moral and spiritual values of physical culture and sports; didactic patterns in physical culture and sports; the methodology of health-improving physical culture and sports activities with various groups of the population; age-sex patterns of development of physical qualities and formation of motor skills; the structure of the lesson of physical culture, its connection with the dynamics of the physical performance of schoolchildren, the tasks and orientation of the educational content of each structural component of the lesson; bases of methodical activity in the field of physical culture and sports.

Choose one discipline

Psychological and pedagogical foundations of physical education and sports

Pedagogy of physical culture and sport



This discipline is aimed at studying: the basic categories; features of the organization of the activity of a sports teacher; structural models of the functioning of pedagogy of physical education and sport; methods, tools, forms of the discipline; innovative educational technologies; diagnostics of the results of the activity of a sports teacher; self-education, self-development, self-learning of a sports teacher; educational interaction in physical education and sport; trends in sports-pedagogical education.

Psychology of physical culture and sports

This course examines the history of the development of this discipline, the scientific foundations of the course, psychological methods of research, psychological aspects in the field of physical education and sport, the psychology of athletes and coaching, psychological diagnosis, psychological assistance in sport, psychological basis of management in physical education and sport.

Semester 4

Social and political knowledge




The course includes knowledge of sociological subject areas, research methods and directions. During the course, the main sociological theories and the most effective ways to gain in-depth knowledge about various aspects of our modern society will be discussed in detail. The special significance of this course for students is the opportunity to develop sociological imagination, to understand the basic concepts of sociology as a science.

Political science



The course is dedicated to general political knowledge for specialties in the field of information technology. The course includes political self-awareness, improvement of one's political outlook and communicative competencies. The teaching of political knowledge is communicative, interactive, student-oriented, result-oriented and largely depends on the independent work of students.




The course will help to become the basis for the study of the entire complex of social sciences and humanities, as well as a supplement to general courses in history and philosophy. The course includes such topics as morphology, semiotics, anatomy of culture, culture of nomads of Kazakhstan, cultural heritage of Proto-Turks, medieval culture of Central Asia, formation of Kazakh culture, Kazakh culture in the context of globalization, cultural policy of Kazakhstan, etc.

General education

Physical Culture



The course is devoted to the formation of physical culture of the individual and the ability to direct the use of various means of physical culture to preserve and strengthen health

Anatomical, physiological and medical bases of physical culture and sports

Physiology of physical education and national sports



During the course we study the characteristics of the physiological reactions of the human body and its individual systems to various sports activities, the beneficial effects of regular exercise and training in national sports on health, adaptive capacity of the body to exercise, the development of motor skills, qualities from the perspective of physiology, performance, fatigue and recovery of the athlete, research methods and techniques to determine the physiological state of the body engaged in.

Psychological and pedagogical foundations of physical education and sports

Pedagogical placement



The purpose of pedagogical practice is to form students' most important practical skills in various types of psychological and pedagogical work with students, the formation of students' specific, research, professional skills corresponding to the qualification characteristics of the graduate of this educational program.

Psychological and pedagogical foundations of physical education and sports

Fundamentals of youth and professional sports



The course of this discipline examines the features of sports orientation, organization and conduct of sports selection; psychological training; periodization in the development of motor ability in humans; goals and objectives, requirements for training sessions; coaching activities in working with children, adults; technical and tactical training, organization of sports activities for children and young men, adults; technologies aimed at physical development, monitoring and accounting of achievements in sports in children, young men and adults.

Psychological and pedagogical foundations of physical education and sports

Methods of teaching physical culture at school



This course discusses: the purpose, objectives, object and subject, the basic categories, the history of the formation and development of the discipline, methods of research, the system of physical education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, principles, tools, methods, physical education training, features of motor skills and abilities, especially the formation of physical qualities in students, forms of physical education organization, the lesson structure and features of its organization in physical education, planning system of educational and extracurricular activities of physical education






Choose one discipline

General education

Basics of economics and business



During the course the mechanism of entrepreneurship is disclosed taking into account the accumulated experience of theory and practice in developed Western countries, the experience of entrepreneurship formation in Kazakhstan, the application of civil legislation governing the organization of entrepreneurial activity, the basic concepts and terms that denote the essence of almost all subsystems of entrepreneurship, which allows students to have a complete picture not only of the business, but also the conditions and factors of its organization in a market environment

Basics of Leadership

The course explores the definition of leadership and leadership theory. A situational approach to instructional leadership is applied. The student acquires skills in discovering their potential and recognizing the talents of subordinates, shaping attitudes toward growth and development, and answering questions about how to influence motivation and success.

Ecology and Life Safety

The course is aimed at forming students' environmental thinking, the ability to adequately assess the state of the environment and the degree of influence of harmful and dangerous factors on the person, the skills of rational use of natural resources; teaching rules and practical skills to ensure safety in professional activities and first aid in emergencies.

Total credits for 2ndyear



Semester 5

General education




The course involves the study of the discipline philosophy as a special form of spiritual studies in its cultural and historical development and modern sound. The main directions and problems of world and domestic philosophy are studied. Philosophy is a special form of cognition of the world, creating a system of cognition of the general principles and foundations of human life, about the essential characteristics of a person's attitude to nature, society and spiritual life, in all its main direction

Theoretical and historical-legal foundations of physical culture and sports

Theory and methodology of organizing mass physical culture and recreation work



The course examines the goals and objectives, principles and methods of sports and physical culture and mass activities, the structure and content of physical culture and sports work, features of various forms of sports and mass activities, planning questions of sports and mass events, the scheduling of sports and mass activities, classification of competitions, regulations on safety in carrying out physical culture and mass work.

Choose one discipline

Psychological and pedagogical foundations of physical education and sports

Basic sports according to the school curriculum with teaching methods



The discipline is aimed at studying the theoretical and methodological foundations of teaching basic sports at school; characteristics are given; teaching methodology of volleyball, basketball, handball, tennis, soccer, badminton, etc.; theory and methodology of teaching athletics, swimming, gymnastics, etc.; features of pedagogical aspects in teaching these disciplines; innovative methods and technologies.

Methods of teaching sports games

The discipline is aimed at studying the basic categories; classification and characteristics of sports games; technique and tactics in sports games; various methods of teaching volleyball, basketball, handball, tennis, soccer, badminton, etc. according to the individual and age characteristics of students; organization and conducting competitions; equipment and grounds for sports games; analysis of training sessions; innovative teaching methods; prospects for development of sports games.

Choose one discipline

Theoretical and methodological foundations of physical education and sports

Theory and methodology of water sports



In the course of the discipline are given theoretical and methodological bases of water sports, history of development, technology, sports training, methods of teaching water sports, the specificity of coaching activities in these sports, the value of water sports for human health

Theory and methodology of winter sports

The course provides the theoretical and methodological foundations of winter sports, history of development, equipment, technique, sports training, methods of teaching winter sports, the Olympic disciplines, the specificity of coaching in these sports, features of competitions, the value of winter sports (snowboarding, freestyle, biathlon, skiing, Nordic combined, ski racing, etc.) for human health.

Choose one discipline

Theoretical and methodological foundations of physical education and sports

Theory and methodology of fitness



The course of this discipline studies the theoretical and methodological bases of fitness, types of fitness, nutrition during fitness classes, equipment, technique of exercises and fitness programs, service of fitness services, the importance and role of fitness for human health.

Theory and methodology of athletic gymnastics

The course of this discipline examines the theoretical and practical foundations of athletic gymnastics; methods and techniques for performing exercises; training programs; content and organization of classes; the value and role of athletic gymnastics for health.

Choose one discipline

Anatomical, physiological and medical bases of physical culture and sports

Fundamentals of general and sports nutrition



The discipline "Fundamentals of General and Sports Nutrition" will acquaint students with the theoretical foundations of nutrition, sanitary and hygienic requirements for the organization of nutrition of the population and athletes, with the concepts of rational nutrition, the principles of nutrition of various population groups in modern socio-ecological conditions, with the experience of domestic and foreign nutritionists in formation of individual nutrition.

Sports biomechanics

The discipline involves the study of the subject and the history of biomechanics, the kinematics of human movements, the dynamics of human movements, locomotor movements, moving movements, shock actions, individual and group characteristics of motor skills

Semester 6

Anatomical, physiological and medical bases of physical culture and sports

Physical and functional training in a chosen sport



The course deals with the features and role of sports medicine as a science that provides physical education and sport, the essence of the concepts of "health", "disease" and their impact on the human body, orientation and sports selection from the perspective of sports medicine, the impact of sports on health, methods and techniques of research of physical development of athletes, medical monitoring of the athlete, methods and means of recovery from injuries, features of doping control.

Adaptive physical culture and sports



This discipline reveals the basic concepts, types, functions and principles of this course; the history of formation and development of adaptive physical education and sport; methods and means of adaptive physical education and sport, developing physical abilities and qualities; methods and techniques of education in adaptive physical education and sport; organizations, federations in adaptive sports; the Paralympic movement; organization and holding competitions for the disabled.

Psychological and pedagogical foundations of physical education and sports

Pedagogical practice



The purpose of pedagogical practice is to form students' most important practical skills in various types of psychological and pedagogical work with students, the formation of students' specific, research, professional skills corresponding to the qualification characteristics of the graduate of this educational program.

Theoretical, practical and scientific foundations in the field of physical culture and national sports, sports games

Sports selection and age-related features of training in national sports, sports games



The course of this discipline studies the basic categories, criteria, principles, stages of selection; sports orientation; features of the measurement and development of physical qualities necessary for high sports results; organization of training in kazaksha kures, togyzkumalak, audaryspak, bayge, jamba atu, kokpar and others, sports games (volleyball, basketball, handball, tennis, soccer and others) with sports groups of different ages; age features of various types of training.

Additional educational program (Minor)


Discipline 1





Discipline 2




Total credits for 3rdyear



Semester 7

Theoretical, practical and scientific foundations in the field of physical culture and national sports, sports games

Fundamentals of research work on physical culture and sports



The discipline is aimed at studying the specifics of the organization of research activities in physical education and sport; conceptual apparatus of research; methodology and empirical and theoretical methods of research; stages of research; pedagogical measurements; use of data of sports metrology in research; determination of practical and theoretical significance of research; processing and registration of research results; features of preparation and defense of course and diploma works of students studying in the field of "Physical Education

 Technical and tactical training in  a chosen sport



The course of this discipline studies theoretical and practical basics of technique and tactics in kazaksha kures, togyzkumalak, audaryspak, bayge, jamba atu, kokpar, etc., sports games (volleyball, basketball, handball, tennis, soccer, etc.); methodical training and improvement of technical and tactical actions, taking into account the development and readiness of the athlete; characteristics and features of competitive exercises, analysis of technical and tactical preparation of the athlete and corrective actions, control of execution.

Methods of coaching activities



This course deals with the theoretical and methodological foundations of coaching activities in national sports, sports games, professional qualities, styles of management of the training process, management of the training process, strategic planning in coaching, control over the sports preparedness of the pupil, innovative technology training athletes, the joint activities of coach and athlete, the importance of the coach in preparing the winner of the competition.

Competitive activity in national sports, sports games



This course examines the basic concepts, the essence, characteristics, structure of competitive activity, technology and basics of refereeing in national sports, sports games, features of the organization of competitions on kures, togyzkumalak, audaryspak, baiga, jamba atu, kokpar and others, sports games (volleyball, basketball, handball, tennis, soccer, etc.); control, analysis and prediction of the results of competitions.

Choose one discipline

Theoretical and methodological foundations of physical education and sports

Physical therapy and massage



This course outlines the general fundamentals of physical education; the characteristics of the means and forms; features of the organization of therapeutic physical education for various health disorders; basic techniques; classification of massage; technique of execution; features of the organization of therapeutic physical education with schoolchildren classified to a particular health group.

Physical culture and health technologies

This discipline studies the theoretical and methodological bases of health-saving technologies based on physical education, their classification, means, methods and principles of health improvement, features of these technologies in educational institutions, features of health and physical culture systems of different countries.

Choose one discipline

Theoretical, practical and scientific foundations in the field of physical culture and national sports, sports games

Pedagogical dimensions in sports



The course of this discipline deals with the theoretical and practical foundations of pedagogical measurements in sports; methods, techniques and technologies of measurement; performance ratings in sports; technical means of measurement; measurement procedures in sports; analysis and processing of the results of pedagogical measurements in sports.

Managing the process of sports training

This course studies the history and current state of systems of sports training in different countries; the theoretical foundations of the management of the process of sports training in kazaksha kures, togyzkumalak, audaryspak, bayge, zhamby atu, kokpar and others, sports games (volleyball, basketball, handball, tennis, soccer and others); system of training athletes; organization and conducting competitions; factors that determine success in sport; evaluation and analysis of sports training.

Physical self-improvement and leadership

This discipline examines the theoretical and practical foundations of self-improvement of physical qualities; control and self-control of physical development; means and methods of physical performance recovery; leadership and its attributes; competition and the relationship between leaders; leadership and leadership in sport; sports success and recognition

Sports metrology

This course covers the history of the emergence and development of sports metrology; general foundations of metrology; mathematical methods in metrology; statistical hypotheses; correlation analysis; tests to determine general physical fitness; methods of control of functional fitness in sports; metrological aspects of the organization of research in sports.

Semester 8

Theoretical, practical and scientific foundations in the field of physical culture and national sports, sports games

Industrial practice




Pre-degree practice




Final examination

Writing and defending a thesis (project) or preparing and passing a comprehensive exam




Total creditsfor 4rdyear



Total for education program



Module name

Module Description

Disciplines within the module

Total of credits

Description of the discipline

The name of the EP within which minor is implemented


Sports management

Sports management includes business activities such as planning, organization, management, control, budgeting and evaluation in a context related to various types of professional sports and physical activity. Sports management develops the necessary skills to manage a sports team or the business side of a sports club in order to generate income. Among their future responsibilities, students should expect to gain the professional experience necessary to lead and promote sports organizations, manage arenas and stadiums, and organize recreational sports events.

Sports management covers such sections as: sports facilities management, selection of athletes, sports management, leadership and personnel management, sports marketing, sponsorship and sales.

The key competencies being formed are to apply managerial competencies in the organization of sports activities and industry

Sports management and marketing


During the course, students will understand how to effectively manage professional clubs, sports associations, Olympic committees, sporting events and sports facilities; learn the process of planning and organising sporting events such as competitions, tournaments, exhibitions and conferences; learn various marketing strategies and methods of promoting sports organisations, events and products. They will also learn how to create effective marketing campaigns and use social media and other media to promote their products; explore the ethical and leadership principles that apply in the sporting sector; and learn how to manage staff, including coaches, athletes, managers and other employees of sports organisations.

Available for all educational programs

Language of instruction: Kazakh, Russian, English
Number of listeners: (min) 15; (max): 120
Prerequisites: not required

Personal Growth Management and leadership


In the course of the discipline students will learn how to manage their emotions, motivation, time and energy to achieve their goals and potential; learn how to communicate effectively with different people, including colleagues, partners, subordinates and clients; learn how to convince, inspire and motivate others; learn different approaches to leadership, including transformational, authoritarian and democratic; learn how to manage people and teams, solve conflicts and make decisions; students will learn how to analyse complex


Sports psychology

Sports psychology is the science of the psychological laws of sports activity; the peculiarities of mental processes, mental properties, mental states of athletes, problems of personality and collective in the dispute.
While athletes and coaches are clearly visible on the front lines, sports psychologists are behind the scenes helping athletes cope with mental problems that may be holding them back. In fact, any athlete will tell you that the psychological aspects of sports are just as important as the physical ones. This program focuses on practical application so that you acquire the skills necessary to make a difference by helping athletes, sports coaches, parents and all stakeholders, empowering them in sports and stimulating change.

Psychology of crisis situations in high-performance sports


In the course of the discipline, students will learn what crisis situations can arise in top performance sport, how they affect athletes and teams and how they can be dealt with; they will learn different methods of dealing with emotions and stress that help athletes cope with crisis situations. They will also learn different ways to relax and recover from stressful situations; they will learn how to develop and conduct psychological preparation of athletes and teams for crisis situations such as defeat, injury, conflicts, etc.; students will learn how to manage a team in crisis situations, develop team skills and resolve conflicts.

Barlyk BBB ushin kol zhetimdi/
Available for all OP /
Available for all educational programs

Language of instruction: Kazakh, Russian, English
Number of listeners: (min) 15; (max): 120
Prerequisites: not required

Psychology of self-development


During the course of studying the discipline, students will look at the processes that help people develop and grow as individuals and learn how to apply this knowledge in practice; learn how to recognize and use their strengths to achieve personal and professional goals, as well as learn how to help other people reach their potential; learn various methods of working with limitations and shortcomings that may interfere with personal development, including methods of overcoming fears, increasing self-confidence, etc.; learn to analyze their thoughts, feelings and behavior in order to better understand themselves, their needs and values; learn how to set goals and develop action plans to achieve them, as well as learn how to work with difficulties that may arise on the way to achieving goals; learn to establish constructive relationships with other people, communicate effectively, resolve conflicts, etc.

The Competence model of the graduate of the EP "Training of physical education teachers and coaches in national sports, sports games" includes three key groups of competencies:
1) Pedagogical;
2) Social and multicultural;
3) Professional.
The group of Pedagogical competencies includes:

  1. Competence to “translate” the content of the objective process of education into specific pedagogical tasks: the study of the individual and the team to determine their readiness to actively acquire new knowledge and design on this basis the development of the team and individual students; the allocation of a complex of educational, educational and developmental tasks, their concretization and definition of the dominant task.
  2. Competence to build and set in motion a logically completed pedagogical system: comprehensive planning of educational and educational tasks; reasonable choice of forms, methods and means of its organization.
  3. Competence to identify and establish relationships between the components and factors of education, to put them into action: the creation of necessary conditions (material, moral, psychological, organizational, etc.); activation of the student's personality, the development of activities; etc.
  4. Competence of accounting and evaluation of the results of pedagogical activity: introspection and analysis of the educational process and the results of the teacher's activity; definition of a new set of dominant and subordinate tasks.

The group of Social and Multicultural Competencies includes:

  1. Competence to interact constructively with different people, to maintain communication, to empathize, to understand and accept the point of view of the interlocutor, to determine the psychological state of the communication partner, to assess the conditions of communication and be able to build their speech in accordance with them, to be attentive to the interlocutor, to control their behavior, to bring things started to the end, to formulate thoughts correctly and express your opinion.
  2. Competence to take responsibility for the results of the work of others, motivate employees and coordinate their work to achieve goals, influence the behavior of employees and colleagues.
  3. Competence to participate effectively in the social processes of a multicultural society, to carry out intercultural interaction, to take into account the multicultural composition of the subjects of professional activity and use its characteristics and features to solve pedagogical tasks, as well as to carry out multicultural education of students.
  4. Competence in the study of the fundamentals of philosophical, socio-political, humanitarian knowledge and cultural heritage in the history of the development of society.

The group of Professional competencies includes:

  1. Competence to determine effective teaching methods for basic and national sports, sports games, taking into account the age and individual abilities of students.
  2. Competence in the study of student's athletic abilities for the chosen sport, planning and management of the sports and training process, organization of competitive activities, assessment of the level of preparedness of athletes.
  3. Competence in identifying and solving emerging problems in the professional and social sphere with the use of digital technologies and demonstration of innovative thinking.
  4. Competence in conducting business activities with forecasting and evaluation of the development of the chosen business model based on the principles of project and risk management.
