ZHAXAT KENZHIN, Dr.oec., PhD., associate professorDeanThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Тел: 8 (700) 957-00-61; 8 (700) 957-00-62; 8 (700) 957-00-68
Astana c., EXPO Business Center Mangilik El Ave. B 2.2., 2nd floor, 222-office

ASSEMGUL TABULDINOVADean's Office ManagerThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Тел: 8 (700) 957-00-61; 8 (700) 957-00-62; 8 (700) 957-00-68
Room: EXPO business center, block B 2.2., 2nd floor