Science and Innovation Department

The Department of Science and International Cooperation is a structural unit of the Academy of Physical Education and Mass Sports (hereinafter - the Academy, APEMS), which is functionally targeted at organizing, coordinating, monitoring the research activities of the university, ensures the scientific and academic internationalization of the Academy by means of the development of international relations and partnerships, integration into the world educational, scientific and sport community.

The purpose of the Department of Science and International Cooperation is to form and suppor relevant scientific research in the main areas of APEMS` research activities, as well as implement scientific research in the educational process and a set of measures to develop external relations and cooperation with Kazakh and foreign universities, international organizations and funds in accordance with the APEMS` strategic development.

The Department`s main areas of activities

  • control over the planning and organization of research work at APEMS;
  • analysis of scientific and publication activity of APEMS` students, teachers and staff;
  • development of APEMS` innovative activities in research;
  • development of strategic relations with foreign universities, international associations, organizations;
  • coordination of student exchange programs in the framework of academic mobility and double-diploma programs;
  • development of joint scientific research with international partner universities in the field of higher sports education.



Тен Алина Владимировна
Director of the Department of Science and International Cooperation

Ten Alina – Master of Pedagogical Sciences, PhD candidate, judo master of sports of international class of the Republic of Kazakhstan

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Astana, EXPO Business Center, С 2.2, office 202/1, 010000


The Department structure consists of the Department of Science and Department of International Cooperation


Department of Science is aimed at forming and providing support for up-to-date scientific research works in terms of the major directions of the APEMS` research activities, as well as implementing scientific research into the educational process and in the field of physical education, mass sports and top-class sports.


The major work directions of the Department of Science

  • Advisory assistance in terms of formal documentation while applying for grants;
  • Advisory and methodological assistance in securing intellectual property rights;
  • Organization of scientific and practical conferences, round tables, seminars, forums;
  • Organization of scientific competitions;
  • Editorial work of the APEMS` scientific journal «Research in the field of physical education and sports».



Бауржан Мадина Бауржанқызы
Head of the Department of Science

Baurzhan Madina Baurzhankyzy – PhD, cardiologist, rehabilitation physician, sports doctor.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Astana, EXPO Business Center, С 2.2, office 202/1, 010000


Department of International Cooperation is aimed at promoting the internationalization of the APEMS through fostering partnerships and international cooperation, positioning the APEMS in the global educational arena, developing academic mobility of students, teachers and staff, attracting foreign scientists and specialists, as well as implementing international projects.   

The Department of International Cooperation performs 4 major activities

  • Academic mobility;
  • Foreign students` recruitment;
  • Attraction of foreign teachers, scientists, specialists;
  • Implementation of international projects;
  • Academy`s image promotion.

