Local Ethics Committee

The Local Ethics Committee, as an expert body at the Academy of Physical Education and Mass Sport, carries out an independent assessment of research works in terms of their compliance with ethical standards, in order to ensure health, safety and well-being of participants.

The Ethical review of research works is carried out in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the health of the people and the healthcare system", the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education", the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On physical culture and sports", the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On touristic activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, the guidelines and recommendations of the Ethics Office (UNESCO), the Declaration of Helsinki (DoH) of the World Medical Association's (WMA) and other international documents, regulating the issues of scientific ethics; the present Regulation, according to which the ethical assessment of research data is a prerequisite for conducting scientific research which involves people. 

The Committee was established in accordance with international standards for conducting research which involves people as subjects.

The Committee is aimed at protecting the rights and dignity of people involved in scientific research (pedagogical experiment), considering the ethical aspects declared by Research & Development and providing a guarantee of safety.

The tasks of the Committee are:

1. Independent expert assessment of research documents for compliance with ethical requirements in the frameworks of research conducted with the participation of people;

2. Independent and objective assessment of safety and respect for human rights in relation to the subjects at the stage of planning and conducting the study. The legal aspects include respect for indefeasible human rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with international human rights standards;

 3. Assessment of the researchers` qualifications on the basis of their scientific background or other documentation package and technical equipment of the specialists, conducting the research;

4. Recommendations` development for amendments and changes to documents and research materials, submitted for Ethical Review;

5. Issuance of concluding remarks on the approval or disapproval of planned and ongoing studies, including:

  • expert evaluation of additions, amendments to research protocols and provision of ethical support for research, involving people, in accordance with the regulatory documents until they are completed;
  • verification of current studies at various time periods, corresponding to the degree of risk, but at least once a year;
  • development of the Ethical Review standards and their practical implementation.
