The Career, Business Partnership and Accreditation Center is a structural unit of the Academy of Physical Culture and Mass Sports (hereinafter – APEMS), which was founded in order to establish effective interaction with the business community, graduates and students of APEMS.
The purpose of the Center is career planning and work with graduates – providing comprehensive support to students, contributing to effectively plan a career trajectory and successfully self-actualize in professional activities.
The Center acts as the main and connecting link between APEMS and the labor market. Constantly expanding partnerships with employer organizations allow us to collect and control the interests and needs of organizations, design them for the capabilities of APEMS graduates and students.
The main activities of the Career, Business Partnership and Accreditation Center
- advising APEMS students and graduates on career building, practice and employment
- holding round tables with employers, organizing guest lectures, online webinars for students
- creation and strengthening of partnerships with potential employers for APEMS students and graduates
- providing support to students on the organization of practice at the bases of companies, which will allow the student to acquire the necessary professional skills
- assistance in the employment of graduates through recruiting and through strengthening business contacts with target employer companies
- formation of a database of employers and a list of open vacancies
- passing all types of accreditation

Astana, EXPO business center, block B 2.2, office 217/2