Personnel and Economic Activities Management Department is a structural subdivision of APEMS, which provides the organization with qualified personnel through the personnel policy development, ensures compliance with the provisions and norms of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on issues related to labor relations, and also ensures the organization and maintenance of the APEMS infrastructure.
The goal of the Department is to create conditions for stimulating the involvement of employees and improving their performance, as well as ensuring realization of commitments in the field of quality and the requirements of the quality management system.
The main activities of the Department
- organization personnel recruitment processes in APEMS;
- design of regulations and job descriptions of APEMS structural units;
- participation in the formation and improvement of APEMS corporate culture;
- ensuring compliance with the provisions and norms of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on issues related to labor relations;
- maintenance of buildings, premises, equipment (heating systems, power supply networks, water supply, ventilation, etc.);
- control within its competence over compliance with sanitary and anti-epidemic regime, fire safety rules, safety standards, timely taking of necessary measures when detecting facts of their violation.

Director of Personnel and Economic Activities Management Department
Nurkozha Kozhamuratov
Тел: 8 700 9570068
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Astana, EXPO business center, block B 2.2, office 213