During the celebration of the Science Day – 2023 in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Academy of Physical Education and Mass Sports held the 1st Scientific Student Conference on the 14th of April. 23 scientific reports were presented during the conference in the Kazakh, Russian and English languages. 9 students, who had presented the best reports, were awarded by the diplomas and memorable prizes at the end of the conference. Besides, the research advisors and organizers of the conference were awarded by the letters of appreciation as well.
The reports, praised the highest, were made in the Kazakh language.
I - Zhumagul Yernur (supervisor: Ph.D., Associate Professor Kenzhin Zh.B.).
II - Kuzembayev Beybarys (supervisor: Ph.D., Associate Professor Kulbayev A.T.)
II - Turganbek Zhanerke (scientific supervisor: Ph.D., Senior lecturer Baurzhan M.B.)
III - Shyntemir Beybarys (scientific supervisor: Ph.D., Senior lecturer Baurzhan M.B.)
III - Zhardembekuly Altai (supervisor: Ph.D., Associate Professor Kulbaev A.T.)
III - Alikhan Zhupar (scientific supervisor: teacher N.B. Tursyngaziev)
The reports, praised the highest, were made in the Russian language:
I - Muslimkanov Timur, Zhanisov Sanzhar (supervisor: Ph.D., Associate Professor Kulbayev A.T.).
II - Oralbai Bakdaulet (supervisor: Senior lecturer Yerkegalieva G.A.).
III - Nurbekuly Zhandos (supervisor: Senior lecturer Zhanybekova B.N.).
Daniil Dyachenko, the TR-2202 group student, was awarded by the memorable prize and a certificate for making a report in English (supervisor: Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor Kapanova D.Y.).