Digital skills in the sports industry

Representatives of the Academy of Physical Culture and Mass Sports were included in the Skills Lab Network of Experts: "Skills Revolution" expert group. This initiative received financial support from the European Union (EU). The main goal of the ETF Skills Lab Network of Experts is to strengthen the relationship between the EU and Asian countries in order to develop the skills and abilities of people, innovative vocational education and training systems that best meet the needs of the labor market.

As part of this cooperation, representatives of the Academy of Physical Culture and Mass Sports will have the opportunity to participate in various events, including educational exhibitions. The project will be implemented within three years. The first event organized under the project is scheduled for October 9-10, 2023 in Turin, Italy. At this conference and educational exhibition entitled "Skills Lab Network of Experts: Skills Revolution: Understanding and Developing Skills for the Digital Era", which will also be funded by the EU, representatives of the Academy will take an active part.

At this event, participants will be able to exchange experiences and discuss available tools for analyzing the need for digital skills, as well as develop new aspects related to the impact of artificial intelligence, augmented reality and the creation of inclusive digital systems. During the second day of the event, participants will be able to work together to predict and develop a concept for developing digital skills in the sports industry.

