
Congratulations to Aida Balkibayeva, APEMS Professor, PhD in Economics, for winning the 9-month online intensive course «Teaching Methods in International Higher Education Virtual Training Program 2024» at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Dortmund, Germany.

The training program is designed specifically for professors and teachers teaching or planning international English courses.

It provides participants with tools, methods, and concepts to enhance their teaching skills in global settings.

Over the course of nine months, trainers provide individualized support and feedback as participants develop their skills.

Through collaboration, participants build an international community by sharing cross-cultural experiences and adopting each other's teaching styles.

The course trainers are:

▪ Pablo Boza (ESAN Lima, Peru);

▪ Miguel Sánchez (FH Dortmund, Germany);

▪ Yi GUI (HBUT Wuhan, China);

▪ Blanca Callejas (UTTEC, Mexico).


