The Silver Academy

The Silver Academy, the Academy of the Third Age, is an international movement whose task is to create favorable conditions for the successful adaptation of older people in modern life, for self-education and self-improvement.

The purpose of the "Silver Academy" is to increase the social activity of the older generation.

The objectives of the "Silver Academy" are:

  • improving computer skills;
  • improving financial and legal literacy;
  • learning and deepening knowledge of foreign languages;
  • study and deepening of knowledge of Kazakh and Russian languages;
  • basics of art therapy.

The work of the "Silver Academy" involves teachers of the Academy of Physical Culture and Mass Sports, as well as partners, specialists of state institutions (departments for the coordination of employment and social programs, health, education, culture, etc.).

Classes in the "Silver Academy" are organized in the following areas:

- "Computer literacy"

- "Legal literacy"

- "Polyglot"

- "Spiritual development"

- "Healthy lifestyle"

The number and composition of disciplines included in each direction depends on the needs of the students.

Course programs:

 - "Digital Literacy"

- "Emotional intelligence"

- "Ensuring human rights in the activities of law enforcement agencies"

- "Time management"

- "Electronic business"

- "Communicative competence"

- "Aspiring entrepreneur"

- Kazakh language, necessary for communication

- English, necessary for communication and travel 

- Basics of Art therapy

Training at the "Silver University" is carried out according to a separate schedule of the educational process.

Classes are held 2 times in a week.

The duration of one lesson is 1 academic hour.

The duration of one training course is no more than 2 months.

The schedule of classes is compiled in accordance with the wishes of the listeners.

The number of activities of the "Silver Academy" can be supplemented based on the requests and wishes of potential listeners.

The group of listeners is no more than 12 people.

Forms of classes: lectures, seminars, excursions, trainings. Classes are held in a group form.

The format of classes is full-time and distance form.

The academic year at the "Silver Academy" is from November 1 to May 1

At the end of the classes (course), a certificate is issued.

To enroll in the Silver Academy, you need to fill out an application, which can be downloaded from the link: download application.

Contact information:

Coordinator: Nygmetov K.U.

 Phone: 8701 268 7686

WhatsApp: 8701 268 7686

Address: Astana, Mangilik El Ave. 55/1. B 2.2. office 201


